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Поиск людей — Блог Яндекса
Feb 20, 2012 · Чтобы пользователям было удобнее искать друг друга, Яндекс запустил новый поиск — поиск людей. Просто спросите в общем поиске или на people.yandex.ru имя и фамилию нужного человека — и просматривайте объединённые профили людей.
Yandex Employees - Yandex Sustainability
At Yandex, everyone has the opportunity to find the best application of their skills and pursue their passions. Employees who meet certain requirements, such as having good performance results and at least one year of experience at Yandex, can rotate to different divisions or business units.
People - Yandex
People — американский еженедельный журнал о знаменитостях, издаётся Time Inc. Первый номер вышел 4 марта 1974 года.
Yandex — a fast Internet search
Yandex finds anything: webpages, images, music, good. Solve any problem — from everyday to a scientific one. Search by text, voice or image.
Yandex - Wikipedia
Yandex LLC (Russian: Яндекс, romanized: Yandeks, IPA: [ˈjandəks]) is a Russian technology company that provides Internet -related products and services including a web browser, search engine, cloud computing, web mapping, online food ordering, streaming media, online shopping, and a ridesharing company.
family +people search — Yandex:found 296 thousand results
We are a people search engine to access millions of public online records. ... Find out who lives around you and keep your family safe.
Arkady Volozh - Wikipedia
Arkady Volozh demonstrates Yandex's driverless car prototype to Vladimir Putin at Yandex HQ in 2017. Volozh is a serial entrepreneur with a background in computer science. After working at a state pipeline research institute, he started a small …
yandex find +people
Jul 1, 2019 · Discover software to find people online instantly with the best face recognition search engines. Яндекс люди — как найти человека по имени и фамилии... Также можно использовать фразу people yandex ru.
Search engine — Yandex:found 255 thousand results
People are more interested in search engines, which produce relevant, authentic and reliable results. The search engine updates its algorithms at least 500 times per year, giving users access to top-notch quality and new results. twinfiniteaj.pages.dev › posts/10-most-popular-…
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