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Baker College wants to help you make a positive difference in your life and the world. Throughout your program, we're here to support you in reaching your academic and personal goals. This Handbook is here to give you important information to guide you on …
2024 – 2025 R ad io lo g ic Tech n o lo g y A sso ciat e o f A p p lied S cien ce D eg r ee A cad emic P lan F all Year 1 C o u r ses P r er eq u isit e( s) C r ed it H o u r s
Welcome | Portal - Baker College
Baker College is the largest nonprofit college in the state of Michigan. We serve nearly 16,000 students, through campuses and extension sites located throughout Michigan, and through our online career programs, which are accessible from anywhere in the world.
The Baker College digital Catalog is a comprehensive listing of current information regarding academic programs, policies, degree requirements, procedures, course offerings and other information for Baker College students.
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Results will be returned that contain all of the terms entered. For example searching for bus schedule would return anything that contains both bus and schedule in any order but not only bus or schedule by themselves.; Searching while you are within a course or group will return results found within that course or group.
BAKER COLLEGE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES MTH 2410 Discrete Mathematics 3 Credit Hours . Student Learning Outcomes and Enabling Objectives 1. Apply the properties of relations, functions, and sequences to complete operations on discrete structures such as sets, functions, relations, and sequences. a.
1 5 PPM 3010 Project Management 3 SOC 3050 Personal, Civic, and Global Perspectives COM 1010, MTH 1010, PSY 2050 3 S p r i n g Ye a r 3 C o u rs e s P re re q u i s i te ( s ) C re d i t s
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Your one-stop-shop for Baker college textbooks, software, materials and supplies! You can also find a wide selection of Baker College merchandise, apparel, gifts and accessories. To locate your Booklist for your course(s), click on the Shop at Barnes and Noble button below to visit the Barnes and Noble website.