animorphs - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
Jun 21, 2016 · Though he might have been able to judge solely from the size of the head, if he didn't know about cats, he could hardly be an expert on Earthian biology nor Earthian brain …
animorphs - What happened to the Yeerks after the war? - Science ...
Aug 31, 2016 · The very existence of the Yeerk Peace Movement at least hints at the idea of some humans being sympathetic to the Yeerkish plight, but barring a tweet somewhere, canon …
animorphs - How did the Yeerk Peace Movement manage to keep …
Sep 4, 2016 · Perhaps the Council has strict control of this technology and even Vissers aren't allowed to use it? In that case, Visser Three could take the hosts of Yeerk suspects while they …
What was Cassie planning to morph into when assaulting the …
Jun 20, 2016 · In the first Animorphs book The Invasion, the group decide to attack the Yeerk Pool in order to save Jake's brother Tom. In order to achieve this, they all acquire animal DNA …
Who was the first non-Gedd to be taken by a Yeerk as a host?
Jun 17, 2016 · Soon after arriving at the Hork-Bajir Homeworld, the Yeerks capture two specimens to examine for their fitness of infestation. Esplin is called to the pier, and becomes …
stargate - Did the Yeerk or Goa'uld influence each other? - Science ...
The Yeerk from Animorphs and the Goa'uld from Stargate seem overbearingly similar. They were both introduced within a year of each other. They were both introduced within a year of each …
animorphs - Why would Tom's Yeerk have to torture Cassie?
In #53 The Answer, Tom's Yeerk brings what he thinks is a bludgeoned and beaten Cassie (not in morph) to Visser One. He then says: One of the Animorphs, Visser. My people captured her …
animorphs - What happens if a Yeerk infests someone in morph …
In The Hork Bajir Chronicles, a Yeerk called Esplin manages to temporarily infest an Andalite while the Andalite is in morph: I began to release my hold on the Hork-Bajir brain of my host …
Can Yeerks communicate with each other when they're in the …
Sep 4, 2016 · See, every three days a Yeerk has to return to the Yeerk pool to absorb Kandrona rays. Without that, they die. "I am able to use my own internal power to generate Kandrona …
Which non-human Earthlings did the Yeerks try to take as hosts?
Jun 21, 2016 · Helen rants on about Martians while Walter and the girls search for the horse in the dark. Rachel spots it trying to make a call at a pay phone. The horse then tries to escape, but …