Why does Palpatine laugh and enjoy himself while fighting Yoda …
Dec 16, 2006 · When Sidious had the upper hand, he was laughing or smiling (e.g. when he throws Yoda against the wall with lightning, when he throws pods, when he first starts shooting lightning at Yoda) but when Yoda gains the upper hand, Sidious' facial expressions show his frustration perfectly (when Yoda parries one of Sidious' first swings right before ...
The REAL reason why Yoda lost to Sidious! | Jedi Council Forums
Jun 27, 2011 · I know plenty of people have already figured it out by now. I just hate watching the scene, knowing that Yoda shouldve won, and Sidious should have been the one to run. Anyways, lets get to the good stuff. At the beginning of the fight, it seems as if Yoda is still a bit rusty. He doesnt really get close to landing a blow, despite being ...
Was Yoda's 1st encounter in his life with a Sith in AotC?
Jul 26, 2001 · Yoda fighting the Bffash(sp?) darksider on Degobah definately happened after he's fought with Sidious, if it happened at all, & it happened sometime between Luke going to Tatooine with Obi-Wan & Luke blowing up the Deathstar.
CT ROTJ Almost had Kenobi and Yoda fighting Palpatine as Force …
Sep 6, 2019 · In the latest of the hell you say news, apparently GL's initial rough draft of ROTJ had the Force Ghosts of Kenobi and Yoda fighting Palpatine to save Luke at the end (as opposed to Vadar tossing him down the shoot). Someone actually goes farther in a suggestive spoiler of generational ending for TROS.
PT - Who Really Won The Sidious Yoda Duel? | Jedi Council Forums
Mar 26, 2013 · Then he groans in frustration when Yoda begins his assault: Yoda consistently has him on the defensive in lightsaber fighting: So much so that we see Sidious has FLED from Yoda in the following scene, opting for a Force Duel instead: When Yoda opts to play his game, he suprises Sidious and sends a pod straight at him, scaring him:
Why does Palpatine laugh and enjoy himself while fighting Yoda …
Dec 25, 2005 · Up until AOTC i didnt think any Jedi could match Darth Sidious. But then Yoda did a little Shake N'Bake against Dooku and changed my mind. But overall i was happy with the results, as i had heard before going to see ROTS that Yoda got his ass kicked. And although Yoda didnt defeat Sidious, Sidious didnt beat him either which made me happy
Saga - What if Anakin did not turn to the Dark Side?
Aug 17, 2018 · Palpatine could still turn the Republic against the Jedi and organize the empire, the main difference I guess would be that instead of Yoda fighting Palpatine alone, there's now no reason for him to not bring Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Mace with him and Palps may be screwed here, unless clone troopers arrive to intercept the fight but even they might ...
Why was Yoda fighting for the good? | Page 2 | Jedi Council Forums
Oct 13, 2007 · Why was Yoda fighting for the good? Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by SaberJedi2, Oct 7, 2007.
Wars not make one great... | Jedi Council Forums
Nov 9, 2003 · I believe that much of Yoda's anti-war/fighting attitude comes out of the Clone Wars. Yes, even the 900 year old Jedi Master still has things to learn. After all, remember Yoda's line from TESB: "Decide you must how to serve them best. If you leave now, help them you could. But you would destroy all for which they have fought and suffered."
Does anyone NOT like Yoda/Dooku fight?
Nov 19, 2003 · Surely if Lucas had never shown a Yoda lightsaber fight few fans would have complained. If Lucas had said that Yoda is above lightsaber fighting, most fans would have accepted that. If Lucas had shown Yoda saber-fighting carefully (no twirling and jumping) I'm sure plenty of fans would have defended that as the only way Yoda could have fought.