dialogue - Is "Patience young padawan" an actual quote from the …
Apr 9, 2019 · I conclude that, while several Jedi (and Sith) recommend patience. And moreover patience is seen as a mark of the control that a Jedi should have. At no point does any character say "Patience young Padawan" or a similar phrase. Quotes taken from IMSDb, which has draft scripts, and not neccesarily final movie transcripts.
Empire Strikes Back - Scene in Dagobah with Darth Vader
Apr 14, 2015 · Yoda was right -- Luke found in there what he took with him: His weapons, and in turn, his aggression and his fear -- he brought his weapons because he feared for his safety. His fear and aggression are paths to the dark side, and so he saw himself as Vader -- because that is what would become of him based on what he brought into the cave.
star wars - Why is Yoda surprised? - Movies & TV Stack Exchange
Aug 17, 2020 · YODA is picked up and thrown across the room, hitting the wall and sliding down in a crumpled heap. DARTH SIDIOUS chuckles. I have captured images of Yoda's expression as Darth Sidious's lightning comes towards him. It is plainly an expression of surprise. Why should Yoda be surprised in this moment, given that. He knows 'Force Lightning' is a ...
plot explanation - Why does E.T. move towards the Yoda-like kid …
These creatures were inserted in the movie Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace to make good on a promise—after Steven Spielberg included a Yoda cameo and Star Wars toys in E.T., George Lucas promised to include an E.T. cameo in the next Star Wars film he made —The Phantom Menace.
What is the purpose behind "wax on, wax off" in Karate Kid?
In The Karate Kid, his first lesson is cleaning and waxing his masters car. His master tells him to "wax on, wax off". Is the purpose of this simply to teach him the value of hard work?
Is Yoda made using CGI in the original Star Wars or is it practical ...
Nov 30, 2019 · Frank Oz provided Yoda's voice in each film and used his skills as a puppeteer in the original trilogy and Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. For some walking scenes in Episodes V and I, dwarf actors Deep Roy and Warwick Davis appeared in costume as Yoda [..].
Use Force Lightning can Yoda? - Movies & TV Stack Exchange
Feb 5, 2013 · Yoda and Mace (and Luke) are said to be capable of deflecting it, but there's no indication that they can generate it: FORCE LIGHTNING. Force lightning is a dark side ability used to torture, disfigure, and even kill one’s victims. Blue in color, Sith shoot Force lightning from their hands by calling on their hatred and aggressive feelings.
star wars - How did the original lightsaber prop work? - Movies
Mar 3, 2019 · As stated in the answer to this question on the Sc-Fi and Fantasy SE:. In the video below, Mark Hamill and George Lucas briefly discuss the methods used to create the lightsaber effects in the Original Trilogy films.
How could Andy carve out the bible to hide the rock hammer?
Aug 30, 2016 · In "The Shawshank Redemption", Andy is shown hiding the rock hammer in a bible whose pages have been carved out in the shape of the hammer.
Why is she calling him a loser? - Movies & TV Stack Exchange
Apr 18, 2015 · In the very last scene of Moneyball (2011), Billy listens to song that his daughter recorded for him while driving in his car. She changed the lyrics in the end, singing You're such a loser, da...