Why Kellogg's Stopped Selling Yogos - Mashed
Sep 4, 2022 · After only five years on grocery store shelves, Yogos were discontinued. The exact reason is not known, but people have offered up several explanations over the years. The first, …
The Reason Kellogg's Legendary Yogos Were Discontinued
Jul 17, 2023 · It didn't really seem to matter, though, as Yogos became an icon of the mid-2000s snack scene. And yet, after only five years, they abruptly vanished from shelves, gone to the …
Yogos – Nostalgic, Discontinued Jewels From Kellog’s
Jan 18, 2023 · The Kellogg Company said in 1930 that most of its plants would switch from the customary 40 to 30-hour work weeks. This practice persisted up until World War II, and for a …
Whatever Happened To Yogos? - Mashed
Jun 25, 2021 · Yogos may have been from the 2000s, but they were the snack of the future. These Kellogg's brand treats were a blast, and part of the charm was that no one ever seemed …
YoGo - Wikipedia
YoGo is an Australian yoghurt dessert snack made by Bega Dairy & Drinks. [1] It comes in a yoghurt tub filled with chocolate custard. Its mascot is the YoGo Gorilla (voiced by Paul …
Can You Still Buy Yogos? - Tasting Table
May 16, 2022 · But despite their popularity, Yogos only stayed on the market for a total of five years before being discontinued. Given that Kellogg's reported strong Yogos sales in 2006 …
Why Kellogg's Legendary Yogos Were Discontinued - The Daily Meal
If you grew up in the 2000s, you likely ate Kellogg’s Yogos cereal, but here’s why this popular food item has vanished.
Kellogg's Yogos: A Brief History - History of Candy
Kellogg’s Yogos were a popular snack in the 2000s that many people still remember fondly today. These bite-sized treats were marketed as a combination of fruity, yogurty, and chewy candy, …
The Mysterious Disappearance of Yogos: Unraveling the Mystery …
May 26, 2024 · A custard-like, fruity snack, Yogo was a staple in many lunchboxes and an after-school treat for kids in the 1990s and early 2000s. However, to the dismay of many loyal fans, …
Who loved YoGo as a kid?... - Australian 90s 00s Nostalgia
Who loved YoGo as a kid? Did you like the chocolate Yogo? The Double Deckers/Swirls or the Yogo Mix (originally called Gorilla mix) that is only Yogo product left today.