Yokuts – Natives of California - Legends of America
The latter was usually a male-to-female two-spirit person who adopted the gender identity opposite their biological attributes and lived as that gender for the rest of their lives. Another office included the chief’s messenger.
Yokuts - Wikipedia
The Yokuts (previously known as Mariposas [4]) are an ethnic group of Native Americans native to central California. Before European contact, the Yokuts consisted of up to 60 tribes speaking several related languages.
Yokuts - Encyclopedia.com
May 14, 2018 · The Yokuts origin myth depicts a world covered with water, which is transformed by the action of Eagle, who takes mud brought from the depths by an aquatic bird, mixes it with seeds, and allows it to expand to form the earth.
Yokuts - Religion and Expressive Culture - World Culture …
The Yokuts believed that the soul left the body of the deceased two days after burial and journeyed to an afterworld in the west or northwest. Following a death, close kin maintained a three-month period of mourning, which included ritual abstention from eating meat and burning the …
Yokuts | Native Americans, California, Tribes | Britannica
The latter was usually a male-to-female two-spirit person; two-spirit people adopted the gender identity opposite their biological attributes and lived as that gender for the rest of their lives. Polygamy was socially acceptable among the Yokuts, but it was rarely practiced.
Yokuts - Summary - eHRAF World Cultures
In 1833 epidemic disease, probably malaria, devastated the Yokuts, claiming as much as 75 percent of the population. In the late 1970s the Yokuts numbered several hundred, including 325 living on the Tule River Reservation and another 100 living on the Santa Rosa Rancheria.
Yokuts Indians - AAA Native Arts
After the United States annexed California in 1848, its citizens began a large-scale campaign of slaughter and land theft against the Yokuts. The latter, along with their Miwok allies, resisted Anglo violence and land theft by force (such as the Mariposa Indian War of 1850-1851).
After viewing the video, “Yokuts Life, Then and Now” students will be able to: 1. Explain the Yokuts lifestyle, including: their diet, clothing, homes, weapons, habits and hobbies. 2. Discuss the similarities and differences of the Yokuts lifestyle to their own. 3. Discuss the evolution of the original Yokuts to the life the tribe leads ...
the sole authority on the Yokuts, has shown the linguistic affinity of this group to the Miwok, Maidu, Wintun, and Costanoan branches of the new Penutian family. The comparative study of Yokuts languages by Kroeber1 results in his distinguishing …
CONSONANT SYMBOLISM IN YOKUTS GEOFFREY GAMBLE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 0. Introduction 1. Consonantal shifts in Wikchamni and Koyeti 2. Stem alternations 3. Relation to areal phenomena 0. The diffusion of consonant symbolism in western North America has received recent and careful attention by many linguists,' but a lack of data has ...