Yule - Wikipedia
Yule is a winter festival historically observed by the Germanic peoples that was incorporated into Christmas during the Christianisation of the Germanic peoples. In present times adherents of some new religious movements (such as Modern Germanic paganism) celebrate Yule independently of the Christian festival.
What Is Yule and How Does It Differ from Christmas?
Dec 10, 2020 · Yule is the pagan holiday that occurs on the winter solstice and celebrates the return of longer days. Find out how it differs from Christmas.
Yule | Pagan, Log, Theme, Celebration, & Facts | Britannica
Yule, festival observed historically by Germanic peoples and in modern times primarily by Neo-Pagans, coinciding with the winter solstice (December 21–22 in the Northern Hemisphere; June 20–21 in the Southern Hemisphere).
Yule - Holidays Calendar
Yule is a pagan holiday that goes back thousands of years and was celebrated by the Germanic peoples of Germany and Scandinavia. No one knows how old this holiday is because it wasn’t written about until about the 4th century.
Yule Lore & Traditions - Information | Rituals | Recipes - Wicca
Yule is when the dark half of the year relinquishes to the light half. Starting the next morning at sunrise, the sun climbs just a little higher and stays a little longer in the sky each day. Known as Solstice Night, or the longest night of the year, the sun's "rebirth" was celebrated with much joy.
What Is Yule? | Burning of the Yule Log - The Old Farmer's Almanac
Nov 25, 2024 · What Is Yule? Today, “Yule” and “Yuletide” are largely synonymous with “Christmas” and “Christmastide,” but the meaning behind them is quite different from that of the Christian holiday. “Yule” comes from Old English geol, which shares a history with the equivalent word from Old Norse jól.
Winter Solstice & Yule: Rituals, Traditions, And Ways To Celebrate
Nov 13, 2022 · Yule is one of the oldest pagan winter solstice holidays. It has been celebrated for thousands of years by various cultures, with a wide variety of rituals and traditions. This blog post will provide an overview of Yule in general, including its history as well as some popular rituals and traditions you can use to celebrate the holiday!
What Is Yule? The History Of The Pagan Winter Festival - All That's ...
Aug 2, 2023 · From Yule logs to mistletoe to decorated trees, the ancient Yuletide traditions of Germanic Pagans inspired countless aspects of modern Christmas celebrations. Discover the surprisingly pagan roots of Christmas in the Viking celebration of Yule.
Celebrating Yule, the Winter Solstice - Learn Religions
Jun 25, 2019 · For Pagans and Wiccans, it's often celebrated as Yule, but there are literally dozens of ways you can enjoy the season. Depending on your particular tradition, there are many different ways you can celebrate the Solstice season.
Yule: How the Vikings Celebrated the Winter Holiday | HISTORY
Dec 17, 2024 · Vikings celebrated Yule in midwinter, the darkest time of the year in Scandinavia when sunlight is limited to a few hours each day. In the northernmost reaches of Norway, the sun doesn’t rise for...