Zamia - Wikipedia
Zamia is a genus of cycad of the family Zamiaceae, native to North America from the United States (in Georgia and Florida) throughout the West Indies, Central America, and South America as far south as Bolivia.
Zamia | Description, Cycad, Uses, & Facts | Britannica
Zamia, genus of 55 species of cycads in the family Zamiaceae, native to tropical and subtropical America. Zamia species are generally small stocky fernlike plants. They have a turniplike, mostly underground stem that in some species reaches 3 metres (10 feet) or more in length.
Introduction to Zamias, the Tropical Cycads - Dave's Garden
Aug 3, 2009 · All Zamias are New World plants with the majority being from Central America. There are a few North American natives, and dozens of South American species. Most Zamias are native to the tropical jungles and forests in between where few of us get to see them.
use. Coontie is a cycad (a low, palm-like plant) with the trunk underground or extending a short distance above. ground. It is native to Georgia, Florida, and the West Indies and is found in pineBoak woodlands and scrub, and on hammocks and shell. mounds. About 30 Zamia species are native to the American tropics and sub.
Plant Atlas
TYPE: Palmifolium pumilum (Linnaeus) Kuntze (Zamia pumila Linnaeus) = Zamia Linnaeus 1763. For more information, contact: Richard Wunderlin , Bruce Hansen , or Alan Franck
Leaflet Anatomical Diversity in Zamia (Cycadales: Zamiaceae) …
Jan 8, 2022 · Zamia is the most species-rich (81 spp.) and widely distributed cycad genus in the Americas, notable for its morphological and ecological diversity.
Zamia integrifolia - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant …
Consisting of 60 species, Zamia is a varied genus of the cycad family found in Florida, Caribbean area and tropical South America. Zamia integrifolia L.f. (Z. floridana) is a shrub-like herb with a fleshy underground stem. In the US it is native to the States of Florida and Georgia.
Non-Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany - University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Zamia sp. Left: male (microsporangiate) strobilis. Right: abaxial (lower) surface of microsporophyll showing many microsporangia.
Zamia splendens - Wikipedia
4 days ago · Zamia splendens is a species of cycad plant in the family Zamiaceae found in tropical rainforests in southern Mexico. ... "Zamia grijalvensis sp. nov. (Zamiaceae, Cycadales) from Chiapas, Mexico with notes on hybridization and karyology". Nordic Journal of Botany.
A Review of Current Knowledge of Zamiaceae, With Emphasis on Zamia …
Jan 1, 2019 · Here, we present a systematic review of Zamiaceae with emphasis on Zamia species from South America. We aim to (a) establish the current knowledge, (b) identify research gaps, and (c) indicate...
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