'Zanny the Nanny': Casey Anthony, Zenaida Gonzalez Explained
Nov 17, 2022 · In 2008, Anthony alleged during a 911 call to Orlando police her missing daughter Caylee was with her nanny Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez at the time of her disappearance.
Zenaida Gonzalez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know - Heavy.com
Apr 11, 2017 · Zenaida Gonzalez, or "Zanny the Nanny", is the woman Casey Anthony initially accused of kidnapping her two-year-old daughter, Caylee. Learn more about Gonzalez here.
‘Zanny the Nanny’: The Legal Battle Between Casey Anthony
Nov 17, 2022 · Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez was also known by the nickname “Zanny the Nanny.” During the trial, Anthony was asked if the nickname "Zanny" was a code word for Xanax, as theories of Caylee’s...
Zenaida Gonzalez: Where is Caylee Anthony’s Nanny Now? - The …
Jan 3, 2024 · Since the media publicized the moniker “Zanny the Nanny,” the real Zenaida Gonzalez became a victim of public anger. People around her believed that she had harmed Caylee, and she mentioned that she had lost several friends and received death threats.
Did Casey Anthony’s dad hint ‘Zanny the Nanny’ may be code for …
Apr 12, 2017 · When Caylee’s disappearance was first reported — 31 days after anyone had seen her — Casey initially told police she had last seen the little girl when she dropped her off at the apartment of her babysitter, a woman she claimed went by the name “Zanny the Nanny.”
Death of Caylee Anthony - Wikipedia
Casey told her mother, Cindy, that she was taking Caylee to her nanny, whom Casey identified as Zenaida "Zanny" Fernandez-Gonzalez, and, the next day, she further informed Cindy that the three were headed to Tampa on a work trip.
Casey Anthony insist Zanny The Nanny is real in new deposition
Feb 26, 2014 · Casey Anthony refused to tell lawyers why she made up her story about Zanny The Nanny kidnapping her daughter Caylee and threatened to storm out of a new deposition released this week.
Casey Anthony Trial: Caylee's Mom Created a World of Made-Up People
Jul 3, 2011 · She was, according to Casey Anthony, a beautiful woman who once dated Casey's ex-boyfriend, Jeffrey Hopkins. "Zanny the nanny" was from New York City, had moved to Florida for college and had stayed in the area. She had a mom named Gloria, and moved three times while living in the Orlando area. Casey Anthony's World of Make Believe.
Casey Anthony Trial: Witnesses Confirm Web of Lies, Including Zanny …
Jun 2, 2011 · Casey Anthony, the Florida woman accused of murdering her daughter, has told friends, family, and the police that two-year-old Caylee was with her nanny named Zanny, short for Zenaida Gonzalez, and that it was Zanny who kidnapped Caylee Anthony.
The Most Bizarre Things About The Casey Anthony Case
May 27, 2021 · Early in the investigation, Casey Anthony insisted that Caylee was with her nanny, who she identified as Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez (aka "Zanny the nanny") and that the nanny had kidnapped...