Szeth - Stormlight Archive Wiki
Szeth, (also known as Szeth-son-son-Vallano and Szeth-son-Neturo, after his predecessors, and the Assassin in White), Truthless of Shinovar is a Surgebinder and an assassin. Szeth has pale skin, large round eyes, and is bald. [2] . These features give him a wide-eyed look that, to outsiders from the east, makes him appear to resemble a child. [1]
Szeth - The Coppermind - 17th Shard
Mar 11, 2025 · He's fearless when attacking even people in Shardplate and wielding Shardblades, trusting his greater, Stormlight-augmented agility to carry him through the battle unharmed. He also shows great cunning, resourcefulness, and determination, which …
Szeth | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Szeth is a major protagonist in The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. He starts the story as a major villain. However, later the character is redeemded and he becomes more heroic.
Nightblood - Stormlight Archive Wiki
After the Battle of Thaylen Field, Szeth draws in Stormlight from the gemstones near Dalinar - which had charged after he'd slammed the realms back together - and was able to feed Nightblood enough to return him to his sheath.
Szeth/Gallery - The Coppermind - 17th Shard
The Coppermind has spoilers for all of Brandon's published works, now including Wind and Truth. Information about books that have not yet been released, like Isles of the Emberdark, is allowed only on meta-pages for the books themselves. For more details, see our spoiler policy.
How do you feel about Szeth’s character? : r/Stormlight_Archive - Reddit
May 15, 2022 · Sure Szeth is cool but have you heard about his friend Sword-Nimi? It's sort of unfair to talk about his character without the next book. It's like talk about a sporting event before it actually happens. We've got a pretty decent idea of what's going to happen, but the execution has the potential to wildly swing the opinion on the other side.
About Szeth's Surgebinding Abilities - Stormlight Archive (no …
Aug 21, 2018 · I believe that when Szeth released Jezrien's honorblade he should have lost the surges of the Order of Windrunners, as according to Sylphrena, "He's nothing without the sword," and "He is no longer the weapon he once was."
Why is Szeth Truthless? : r/Stormlight_Archive - Reddit
Apr 15, 2021 · Szeth clearly had the honorblade prior to being a Truthless, he also trained with every Surge. He says in Oathbringer that he had a voice in his head once like Sword-nimi and that he hoped it would go better this time. It seems like it was either a spren that he was bonding or a voidspren like Ulim.
What’s up with Szeth? : r/Stormlight_Archive - Reddit
Oct 13, 2020 · We know that Szeth was trained with the surges and the honorblades. He must have been pretty special, it's not like every random Shin would be playing with the weapons of the Heralds themselves.
Stormlight Archive (no WaT) - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon ...
Jan 2, 2019 · Nightblood’s existing Cognitive bond with Szeth communicates Szeth’s wishes. As a Rosharan spren (now), Nightblood can transform Stormlight into the Skybreaking powers. Why Not Another Highspren? Many posters believe Szeth does have a Nahel bond with a …