Tower Defense Simulator Wiki - Fandom
Tower Defense Simulator is a game made by Paradoxum Games created on the 5th of June 2019 and officially released on the 14th of June 2019. It involves players teaming up with one another to fight waves of different enemies until they either are overrun or triumph that particular map.
Zombies | TDS: Zombie Simulator Wiki | Fandom
This is a list of most the zombies currently in TDS: Zombie Simulator.
Normal | Tower Defense Simulator Wiki | Fandom
Jun 14, 2019 · "Zombies have been spotted along the path! "The enemies are approaching! Place down some towers on the sidewalk. It'll hold em' off for a bit!" The Normal is the first enemy in the Easy, Casual, Intermediate and Legacy Molten modes. It also appears in the Tutorial. As the first enemy that spawns, it has fairly mediocre speed and low health.
Enemies | Tower Defense Simulator Wiki | Fandom
Enemies are the entities that you will be fighting in the game. They have a set amount of health that towers and units can reduce until it reaches zero, whereby the Enemy is killed. As the game progresses, stronger, and sometimes faster, Enemies will spawn.
Normal | TDS: Zombie Simulator Wiki - Fandom
Normal is a zombie that originated from TDS. The normal is a good early game zombie as it is free and has decent speed and HP. However it is certainly not the best as a number of free enemies have more HP than the normal.
Strong | TDS: Zombie Simulator Wiki | Fandom
Strong or The Strong zombie, Is a tanky zombie that can stand multiple shots from early game area's and enemies, it's most knowingly the most slowest zombie in the game, As much as it's good for...
Category:Zombies | Tower Defense Simulator Fan-made Wiki
[ Zombies are the entities that you will be fighting in the game. They have a set amount of health that Towers and Units reduce until it reaches zero, whereby the Enemy is killed. As the game progresses, stronger, and sometimes faster, Enemies will spawn.
Tower Defense Simulator Battlefield Wiki - Fandom
Welcome to the Tower Defense Simulator Battlefield Wiki! This is the official wiki for Tower Defense Simulator Battlefield, a game where you use towers from the game Tower Defense Simulator to fend off waves of zombies! Our Discord Server Link! https://discord.gg/tdsbf.
Fan-Made Zombies - Tower Defense Simulator Fanmade Content Wiki
This category is for all the zombies the community has made! Community created zombies/enemies are all unique threats. All are spawned in different structures, in clusters or individually.
Zombies | Roblox Defense Tower Simulator Wiki | Fandom
Zombies are the main antagonist in Defense Tower Simulator.
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