Harbor Seal - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Harbor seals are found in the waters, beaches, and rocky outcrops along the northern coasts of North America, Europe, and Asia. Atlantic harbor seals are found from the Canadian Arctic to New York and occasionally as far south as the Carolinas.
Gray seal - Smithsonian's National Zoo
Gray seals, also called horsehead seals, are amazingly dexterous swimmers. They are common on both sides of the north Atlantic.
Harbor Seal - Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
Learn about harbor seal habitat, diet, and behaviors at Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. Plan your visit and support conservation efforts.
Harbor seal - Oregon Zoo
Harbor seals are found north of the equator along the coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They swim in near-shore coastal waters, bays and estuaries. They haul out on rocky islands and sandy beaches to rest, get warm, give birth, and escape from predators.
Seal s - Indianapolis Zoo
WHERE ARE THEY AT THE ZOO? The grey seal, also known as the horsehead seal, is known for its long nose. You can find these great swimmers in the Oceans exhibit.
Harbor Seal at the Central Park Zoo
Oct 17, 2017 · At the Central Park Zoo, the Harbor Seals, Adam and Ansen, share their habitat with two black-backed gulls and a cormorant.
Brookfield Zoo Chicago - Animals at Brookfield Zoo Chicago
Grey seals are sexually dimorphic (have two distinct gender forms) in both size and coloration. Males are significantly larger with a thicker neck and shoulders than females. Males also have a wider, more rounded snout and a darker coloration than females.
Harbor seal - The Alaska Zoo
RANGE: Harbor seals inhabit the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans from southern California up to the Bering Sea. In Alaska, they live in coastal waters from the Kuskokwim region through the Aleutians and along the coasts of the Gulf of Alaska into Canada.
Harbor Seal - Lincoln Park Zoo
Apr 19, 2024 · Harbor seals are medium-sized pinnipeds, with front and rear flippers. Adult males can get up to 6 feet long and weigh 300 pounds. They vary in color from white to brownish-black.
Harbor Seal - Saint Louis Zoo
Harbor seals love the cold water, relying on their multiple layers of blubber to provide insulation. Harbor seals can stay submerged for up to 30 minutes and use their sensitive whiskers to find their favorite food: herring, flounder and perch.