Amun - Wikipedia
After the rebellion of Thebes against the Hyksos and with the rule of Ahmose I (16th century BC), Amun acquired national importance, expressed in his fusion with the Sun god, Ra, as Amun-Ra (alternatively spelled Amon-Ra or Amun-Re). On his own, he …
Amon | God, Cult, & Facts | Britannica
Amon, Egyptian deity who was revered as king of the gods. He may have been originally one of the eight deities of the Hermopolite creation myth; his cult reached Thebes, where he became the patron of the pharaohs by the reign of Mentuhotep I (2008–1957 BCE).
Amun: Origin Story, Family, Meaning, Symbols, Power, & Facts
Mar 26, 2021 · Amun was a major god in ancient Egyptian religion who possessed numerous roles. As a sun deity, he was the “Revealed One” or the “Exposed One” who was the father of many gods including Khonsu. His role as the sun god made him …
Amun - World History Encyclopedia
Jul 29, 2016 · Amun (also Amon, Ammon, Amen, Amun-Ra) is the ancient Egyptian god of the sun and air. He is one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt who rose to prominence at Thebes at the beginning of the period of the New Kingdom (c. 1570-1069 BCE).
10 Facts About Amun the Egyptian God - Have Fun With History
Jun 2, 2023 · Amun was often depicted as a man wearing a tall, plumed crown, symbolizing his authority, and was closely associated with creation and the sun as Amun-Ra. With his temples and the influence of his priests, Amun’s cult wielded substantial political power in ancient Egypt.
Amun | Amon-Ra | The King Of The Egyptian Gods - Ancient Egypt Online
Amun-Ra was the king of the Upper Egyptian gods and one of the most important gods in Egypt, second only to Osiris. Egyptians gave Amun-Ra the role of a creative power responsible for all life on earth, in heaven and in the Tuat (underworld). Amun was also the father of the pharaoh.
Gods of the Ancient Egypt: Amun Ra, the Sun God - Ancient Theory
Mar 18, 2023 · Amun (also Amon, Ammon, Amen, Ra) was one of the most important Gods in Ancient Egyptian religion, worshipped throughout the land for over three thousand years. Who Was Amun, the Sun God? Traditionally, Amun was often depicted as a man with the head of a falcon or a ram, representing his dual nature as both a solar and fertility God.
Amun: The Sun God’s Journey through Egyptian Mythology
Oct 2, 2023 · In Egyptian mythology, Amun was the god of the sun and air. As a primordial deity and king of all gods, Amun rose to prominence during the Egyptian New Kingdom, when he transitioned into Amun-Ra, the creator god.
Amun: The Hidden King Of Gods In Ancient Egypt
Dec 15, 2022 · Amun was often considered a god of the air, and his name itself is thought to mean “the hidden one” or “the invisible.” This reflects his association with the mysterious and unseen forces of the universe. Amun was often depicted as a man wearing a tall, feathered crown or a double-plumed headdress.
Amon, the Egyptian king of gods | Britannica
His cult spread to Thebes, where he became patron of the pharaohs by Mentuhotep I’s reign (2008–1957 bce) and was identified with the sun god Re. Represented as a human, a ram, or both, Amon-Re was worshiped with the goddess Mut and the youthful god Khons.