Bergen County, NJ population by year, race, & more | USAFacts
Dec 6, 2024 · Our Changing Population: Bergen County, New Jersey. The ages, races, and population density of Bergen County, New Jersey tell a story. Understand the shifts in demographic trends with these charts visualizing decades of population data.
Bergen County, New Jersey coronavirus cases and deaths
Follow new cases found each day and the number of cases and deaths in Bergen County, New Jersey. This page will be updated with the most recent data as frequently as possible. The underlying data is available for download below the US county map and has helped government agencies like Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in its nationwide ...
What is the unemployment rate in New Jersey right now?
6 days ago · In New Jersey, Cape May County, NJ had the highest unemployment rate at 9.4%. Hunterdon County, NJ had the lowest at 3.2%. Bergen County, NJ, the county with the largest labor force in the state, had an unemployment rate of 3.5%. The latest county-level data is from December 2024.
New Jersey Coronavirus Vaccination Progress | USAFacts
How many COVID-19 vaccines has New Jersey administered?. In New Jersey, 8,430,561 people or 95% of the state has received at least one dose.
New Jersey population by year, county, race, & more - USAFacts
Dec 6, 2024 · The most recent county-level data available by age, race, sex, and ethnicity are the Vintage 2020 Population Estimates (census.gov) for 2010 to 2019 and the Vintage 2022 Population Estimates (census.gov) for 2020 through 2022. We will update this experience, including the 2010-2019 estimates, when the Bureau releases county-level 2010-2020 ...
Veterans in New Jersey - USAFacts
Oct 27, 2023 · In 2022, 279,664.0 veterans lived in New Jersey. 3.90% of the adult civilian population in New Jersey were considered veterans. Learn more about the veteran population of New Jersey. What era did they serve in? How do their characteristics differ from non-veterans.
New York coronavirus cases and deaths | USAFacts
The county-level tracker makes it easy to follow COVID-19 cases on a granular level, as does the ability to break down infections per 100,000 people. This county visualization is unique to USAFacts and will be updated with the most recent data as frequently as possible.
How many people are in prisons in the US? | USAFacts
About 1.23 million at the end of 2022, the most recent year for which data is available. This number is up 2.1% from 2021 and includes anyone under state or federal jurisdiction. Prisoners sentenced to one or more years — usually for a felony conviction — make up 96.4% of this group, and the remainder includes people who are serving shorter sentences or awaiting sentencing.
What percentage of public school funding in Nevada comes
Dec 18, 2024 · About 16.2% or one in every six dollars of public school funding, during the 2021–22 school year. As with most schools nationwide, Nevada received more funding from local or state governments than it did from federal sources. The totals differ by district, depending on factors such as student demographics (like poverty levels), availability of state and local …
What percentage of public school funding in West Virginia comes …
Dec 18, 2024 · About 18.9% or one in every five dollars of public school funding, during the 2021–22 school year. As with most schools nationwide, West Virginia received more funding from local or state governments than it did from federal sources. The totals differ by district, depending on factors such as student demographics (like poverty levels), availability of state and local …