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  1. Copilot Answer

    The wildlife of Canada or biodiversity of Canada consist of over 80,000 classified species, and an equal number thought yet to be recognized. Known fauna and flora have been identified from five kingdoms: protozoa represent … See more


    Canada is characterized by a wide range of both meteorologic and geological regions that are divided into fifteen terrestrial and five marine ecozones, such as the forests of British Columbia and Central Canada, the prairiesSee more

    Species at risk

    Canada's Species at Risk Act (SARA) is the federal government legislation to prevent wildlife species from becoming extinct. The goal of the act is to protect endangered or threatened organisms and their habitats. Provinces, … See more

    Invasive species

    Over 1400 invasive species of fish, plants, insects and invertebrates have been introduced to Canada through intentional and unintentional means. Over 450 invasive flora and over 400 invasive insects have been … See more