Welcome - CCIP
The Children’s Court Improvement Program (CCIP) is a federal grant awarded to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Director of State Courts Office to enhance the processing of child welfare cases in the court system. The CCIP E-Learning Project is …
Training Calendar - CCIP
Social Work: Continuing education hours may be claimed by the individual participant by entering them as an external training in PDS Online. Conference on Child Welfare and the Courts 9/27/2023 - 9/29/2023
Resources - CCIP
District Training Agenda PowerPoint - Dynamics, Investigation and Prosecution of Sex Trafficking (Updated 9.12.23) PowerPoint - Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (Updated 10.9.23)
What if I have questions or comments about the E-Learning Project or other training opportunities available through CCIP? Please contact CCIP staff via the Contact tab at the top of the screen or by clicking on the box to the right.
E-Learning Activities - CCIP
The materials and learning activities provided on this website should not be construed as legal advice and are meant for informational purposes only.
Contact - CCIP
110 E. Main Street, Suite 210 Madison, Wisconsin 53703 Home; E-Learning Activities; Training Calendar; Resources; Contact; FAQ; Login
Welcome - CCIP
Forgot your password? Home; E-Learning Activities; Training Calendar; Resources; Contact; FAQ; Login
Child Safety Decision-Making - wicciptraining.com
Child Safety Decision-Making - wicciptraining.com
Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
Fact-Finding Hearing - wicciptraining.com
Fact-Finding Hearing - wicciptraining.com