My take on how to improve the pacing of the infamous chimera …
The difference between the greed island arc or the phantom troupe arc and the chimera ant arc is that those arcs aren’t consistently panned for having poor pacing or being too long. Sure, here on r/hunterxhunter you and everyone else will love everything Togashi gives you but it’s more controversial outside this bubble. So I tried my best ...
Why do people like the Chimera Ant arc so much? : …
Part of it is that Kurapika and Leorio are my fav characters and weren't in the Chimera Ant arc at all, but also it felt very long winded, the ants mostly just pissed me off for the most part, and there's that scene from I think episode 53 where Pufu and Yupi are basically busting a nut by letting the king absorb their engery or whatever--I ...
The Chimera Ant Arc took from beginning to end, in real time
Chimera ant arc is unlike anything Togashi has ever wrote with the closest thing coming to it chapter black but still pales in comparison to it. It tackles the subject of humanity and while doing so breaks many shonen troupes. Wano on the other is a standard one piece arc but this time Oda attempts to bring it to a level like never before.
A Detailed Hunter x Hunter Timeline : r/HunterXHunter - Reddit
Jun 21, 2015 · Chimera Ant Arc – The Queen. Next day, mid-late March* Gon, Killua and Biscuit leave Greed Island Gon and Killua meet Kite Next day. Gon and Killua meet Kite’s team Roughly 1 month later, late April. Kite’s contract with Kakin agency ends Unknown travel time. Reached Southernpiece Auction House, Yorknew City
Why is the chimera ant arc such a dark shift in tone?
Jun 9, 2022 · Each arc has different tones. Hunter X Hunter tends to go from an arc with the light-hearted theme to a fucked up one immediately after. Chimera Ant(Dark) -> Chairman Election(Light) -> The new word expedition Arc(Dark again). I definitely agree that stylistically and thematically Chimera ant was the darkest in terms of style.
Reason on why I dislike Gon in the Chimera Ant Arc
Nov 26, 2019 · Well that's the entire point of gon's character during the chimera ant arc he drastically changed after kite died and he becomes a phychotic monster while meruem becomes a moral human. I actually really like Gon in the CA arc mostly because of this reverse character development and also he is quite a badass this arc.
What arc is better Yorknew Arc or Chimera Ant. : r/HunterXHunter
Yorknew is where Hunter x Hunter becomes really good. Chimera Ant arc is where it becomes a masterpiece. I don’t think their really close either. One’s a 9/10 and the other is an 11/10. Other comments explain why Chimera Ant arc is so good, so I’ll leave it be.
Jeju Ants vs. Chimera Ants : r/sololeveling - Reddit
Sep 19, 2020 · Sung Jin-woo solos all his arcs for the most part, it was awesome to see him come and dominate. HxH had so many different moving parts during their ant arc that made it amazing. The fact that I still remember the ant king Mereum's name after how many years has passed since I've watched the anime is a testament to how well done their ant arc was.
Just finished Chimera Ant Arc : r/HunterXHunter - Reddit
Jun 8, 2021 · The camera ant arc is long and emotionally draining. You can say Komugi is annoying, but she is the only character we ever saw defeat Meruem in any meaningful way. And that alone was enough to shift the course of his development, which is pretty impressive over a …
Chimera Ant Arc open discussion. Just watched for the first
I'd honestly disagree on balance being a strong suit of this arc. Meruem as a character was great but felt so disconnected from almost any of the characters. Also I'd say the training arc in the middle of the action absolutely killed the tone just when it was peaking. Tragedy was a good side of the arc especially during the invasion.