Derventa - Wikipedia
From 1929 to 1939, Derventa was part of the Vrbas Banovina and from 1939 to 1941 of the Banovina of Croatia within the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Prior to the Bosnian War, there was a significant population of ethnic Croats within Derventa, while the majority were Bosniaks.
Battle of Derventa - Wikipedia
The Battle of Derventa took place between the Holy Roman Empire and Ottoman Empire on 5 September 1688. It ended in a Holy Roman Empire victory.
Derventa through history | Tourist organization Republic of Srpska
The Turks destroyed the fortress “Vivar 3” to the ground, only to built a fortress DERBENA after 1740, which the Slavic population called DERVENTA. When the Turks were defeated in the Russian – Turkish war, Bosnia went into the hands of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy in the peace conference in 1878.
DERVENTA city guide — John W Bills
Jul 12, 2024 · The history of Derventa follows the usual pattern, with people forming communities in these parts until more formal settlements came into being, with different ruling powers taking turns to treat the local populace like commodities.
Derventa, Bosnia and Herzegovina - all you need to know
For history buffs, the town of Derventa itself has a rich past dating back to Roman times. The town's historic buildings, such as the Church of St. George and the Ottoman-era mosque, offer a glimpse into its diverse cultural heritage.
O Derventi – Derventa
Derventa je nastala u 16. vijeku, za vrijeme osmanske vladavine. Pouzdano se zna da je postojala prije austrijskog napada na Bosnu 1716. godine. Prema podacima iz 19. vijeka, Derventa je imala tvrđavu sa kvadratnom osnovom i dva bedema, koja je služila za odbranu od neprijatelja.
Derventa - ETO - European tourism organization
History From 1929 to 1939, Derventa was part of the Vrbas Banovina and from 1939 to 1941 of the Banovina of Croatia within the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Prior to the […]
U avgustu 1942. godine došao je u Derventu iz Sarajeva zloglasni Ivan Tolj i naredio da se svi Jevreji otpreme u logor. Tada su ustaše odvele u logor 115 Jevreja, od kojih se nijedan nije vratio. Ostali su uspjeli da se prebace u partizanske odrede u kojima su se borili protiv neprijatelja.
Derventa - Hrvatska enciklopedija
Derventa, grad u srednjem dijelu Bosanske Posavine, sjeverna BiH (Republika Srpska); 11 631 st. (2013; 17 748 st., 1991). Leži na obalama rijeke Ukrine, uz cestu Slavonski Brod–Doboj. Kulturno (knjižnica, zavičajni muzej i dr.), poljoprivredno i trgovačko središte (šljive, žitarice).
DERVENTA: Najmlađi grad Srpske sa istorijom koja seže
Derventski vašar je jedna od najstarijih manifestacija u BiH i jedan od najvećih vašara u bivšoj Jugoslaviji čija tradicija seže od 1851. godine. Svojim brojnim i raznovrsnim sadržajima, vašar privlači brojne posjetioce i turiste.