Where are all the Nazgûl? | Page 2 | The Tolkien Forum
Jul 26, 2006 · yet were as blind as a bat during noon hour. ;)
For a final informative view for Khamul | Page 5 | The Tolkien Forum
May 3, 2020 · Have as in "own"? It would be awesome if you asked me the page number and didn't have access to the book :) Anyway, I know I fool around sometimes, but...
Glorfindel or Ecthelion - who is a greater elf? | Page 2
Mar 8, 2003 · Well, the poll doesn't lie and it looks like Ecthelion is the greater elf (for now anyway):)
Durin's Bane or Whistling Past the Graveyard | Page 6
Mar 3, 2002 · Well at least the twins disagree on the quality of My Novel: Originally posted by Aragil Now this would be an entertaining (if rather short) novel and...
Saurons eye | Page 3 | The Tolkien Forum
Sep 1, 2002 · JUst a couple of things I found while searching the Silmarillion re Sauron having taken physical shape. For coming out of the wastes of the East he took up his abode in the south of the forest and slowly he grew and took shape there again; in a dark hill he made his dwelling and wrought there...
Origin of the hobbits | Page 2 | The Tolkien Forum
Oct 15, 2003 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
RP#56-Mists Unknown (private rp) | Page 4 | The Tolkien Forum
Jan 4, 2003 · The Dwarf did not like the looks of these men. They had darker skin and wore no gear of war, for by the looks of it, this ship was used to quickly trasport things, whether it be men or cargo. The captain of the black ship came aboard after …
Who would win, Smaug or a Balrog | Page 3 | The Tolkien Forum
Feb 16, 2003 · Much of the above post seems to me to be neither here nor there to the question, "Could Smaug (a specific Dragon) defeat a Balrog in a fight?" Although as an interesting aside, are we then to draw the conclusion that dwarves have no souls? Lost Tales Part II, p.179 "the number of Balrogs...
RP 13: Destruction of the DarkBlade and the Meeting of Odin
Jan 7, 2002 · ((yes Ori, Nain, both of you may join)) "We must go, now!" *she begins out the door but the shaman stops her and hands her a map* Shaman: "I wish there was time to tell you about this map, but I am confident that you will understand it." *Lytra nods …
Fanfic - Legacy | Page 23 | The Tolkien Forum
Jul 27, 2011 · In the living room, cornered by his formidable wife, Hanasian continued with the front of normalcy he had been wearing for a number of days now. He was particularly worried for Rose. Suffering loss two fold was a heavy burden to carry. He did not know how well Loch was coping either. How...