The eBay Community
{"status":"success","message":"","http_code":200,"data":{"type":"communities","list_item_type":"community","size":1,"items":[{"type":"community","id":"ebay01","title ...
topic Random Tiny Things from [email protected] in Shipping
https://community.ebay.com/t5/Shipping/Random-Tiny-Things-from-CS-OrangeConnex-com/m-p/31415516#M354168 <P>It is likely a brushing scam, but you are not the victim.
Everything you do with regard to your eBay Store—the images you pick and the words you write—says something about your brand, so it’s critical to make sure you are sending the right message. Here are three things you can do in one afternoon to make sure your branding is working for you. 1. MAKE SURE YOUR STORE LOOKS GREAT
topic Re: Selling Woolly Mammoth Ivory teeth is ... - The eBay …
So for eBay just plain safer to ban ... </P><P>even the Russian sellers of it know its illegal in the USA ...