Unexplained bright flash of light inside house - Physics Forums
Dec 31, 2022 · From the video, the initial flash was very short, showing up at full brightness only for two frames (although it was preceded by a couple of frames showing a partial flash). Frames seem to be 30 per second, so that makes the flash duration between a 30th and a 10th of a second. (You can use comma and period on the keyboard to step back or forward).
Jet Fuel, JP-5, JP-8 & DFM: Properties, Chemical Composition ...
Aug 12, 2006 · They contain hundreds of hydrocarbons as well as many additives. The actual composition of any given fuel varies depending upon source of the crude oil, refinery processes, and product specifications. The hydrocarbons in jet and diesel fuels are less volatile than those in gasoline. JP-5 is a high-flash-point jet fuel developed by the Navy.
Flashing In And Out of Existence? - Physics Forums
Apr 17, 2016 · Quote: "And because reality is flashing in and out of existence (hypothetically at Planck time – 1044 times per second – as explained to me by The Resonance Project biophysicist William Brown), every time our reality oscillates between form and the pure energy state of the field our awareness, which is constant and doesn’t flash in and ...
How to calculate flash point of mixture? - Physics Forums
Jun 7, 2012 · However, if you Google something like "Effect of Additives on the Flash Point of Flammable Liquid" you will find that you can begin by adding water to the alcohol to raise its flash point (for example, a mixture of .7 water & .3 methanol seems to raise the flash point by 25 degrees C). You would then add this mixture to the petroleum.
How Does a Grenade's Shockwave Cause Fatal Injuries? - Physics …
Oct 6, 2008 · Stun grenades, or "flash bang" grenades, operate on this principle. They produce a large blast but almost no shrapnel. The noise and brightness of the flash are very disorienting, and the shock wave can actually knock a person down, but the chances of being killed by one, even at close proximity, are very slim.
Relativity of Simultaneity and lightening - Physics Forums
Jan 19, 2017 · 1. In the case of the assistant does seeing the flashes =/= measuring the strike? How would one be able to see a simultaneous flash but measure a non-simultaneous strike? 2. Why does the assistant share the same frame of reference with 'me'? Is it because of the equation x = x' +vt where v (assistant w.r.t 'me') = 0 and therefore x = x'?
Mysterious Flashes of Light in Dark Room - Physics Forums
Jan 26, 2017 · I saw strange flashes of light last night in a dark room and am wondering what caused them. They seemed the only happen when I moved the comforter, but it was not always in the same area. I thought at first it was a brief reflection of light, but I couldn't find a source for the reflection that...
Perpetuum Mobile: Robert Boyle's Self-Flowing Flask - Physics …
Aug 2, 2006 · Both ends of the "device" are at the same pressure. There can not be flow without a pressure differential. Examone what the static pressure will be in the tube and the ve
Simple Special Relativity Homework: Time Dilation and Length …
Sep 4, 2008 · Homework Statement Anna is on a railroad flatcar moving at 0.6c relative to Bob. Their clocks read 0 as Anna's center of mass passes Bob's. Anna's arm is outstretched in the direction the flatcar moves, and in her hand is a flashbulb. According to the wristwatch on Anna's hand, the flashbulb...
** Flash Sale ** Alchemy 1911 - Calguns.net
Feb 24, 2025 · Please do NOT post comments or questions here. Use private message please. Let us keep this post clean. PPT no tax. In other words, the list price below is your out of door price, except for PPT fee (usually $47). Thank you for looking. Make: Alchemy Custom Weaponry, Model: Prime Elite, Caliber: 9mm, Location: Fremont / Bay
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