cosmere - How many appearances of Hoid have there been?
May 18, 2019 · Mistborn series, in every last work. Mistborn: The Final Empire. Named appearance, as a beggar, consulted by Kelsier for information. Part Three, Chapter 19. The Well of Ascension. Unnamed, described only as an old man, the one Elend discusses the attack on Terris with, and overheard Elend's mention of the Well in Luthadel. Part Five, Chapter 56.
What was Hoid up to during the Final Empire Mistborn trilogy?
Oct 16, 2015 · Hoid's appearance in Mistborn: Well of Ascension is a little unlike the others. When the scene at the Well was moved in revision, one of Hoid's major influences on the book had to go (for various reasons). Left in the book is only one little hint, really. A character notices something odd about someone, but doesn't dwell on it.
Where is Hoid in Era 1? : r/Mistborn - Reddit
Nov 8, 2020 · Hoid in books 1 and 3 is just Hoid. He's an informant Kelsier knows of that he meets with briefly in book 1. Vin intends to meet him in Fadrex in book 3, but then decides against it for the reasons we see in Secret History. Slowswift has nothing to do with Hoid. That character is just Sanderson referencing Tolkien.
Who is Hoid? : r/Cosmere - Reddit
Hoid is a storyteller. and we really only know some factoids surrounding him. he shows up all over the cosmere and does...stuff. we dont know his end goals, his origin, or his real name (he has many many names) he will probably be important someday and his origin will be told in the cosmere series Dragonsteel, but that is slated for a few decades from now. long story short, …
who is hoid in mistborn. - Mistborn - 17th Shard, the Official …
Jan 11, 2018 · Speaking of Well of Ascension, Brandon mentioned that he necessarily retconned what Hoid was doing in that book with the release of Secret History but since the only thing it actually changed was a single annotation rather than anything actually published, it's not a huge deal. So yeah, he's seen in the book helping the Terris refugees and ...
What is up with Hoid? : r/Mistborn - Reddit
But Hoid is the primary recurring link to the rest of the Cosmere. If you read Stormlight, Elantris, the novellas, and etc, you'll learn a ton more about Hoid. But for the purposes of the first two mistborn books, Hoid is largely just a mysterious being who makes a cameo for unknown and unimportant reasons.
Hoid questions : r/Mistborn - Reddit
Aug 17, 2021 · In most other books besides Stormlight, Hoid is mostly at background/cameo level. Some things about his appearances are eventually explained, but many are only hinted at. Just by reading the three Mistborn books you probably don't see enough of Hoid to figure out what he was up to on Scadrial. Secret History will help with that.
[Cosmere] [Spoilers] Hoid in Mistborn Trilogy - Reddit
Dec 10, 2014 · I caught the mention of Hoid as a paid informant that Kelsier visits with Vin once in Mistborn. However I just finished The Well of Ascension and was paying very close attention to the end when Vin and Elend open of the secret storehouse under Kredik Shaw and find the Well.
Spoilers: Hoid in Mistborn timeline : r/Cosmere - Reddit
Jun 15, 2024 · Hoid arrives at the Perpendicularity and fights Kelsier, he gets Lerasium, but he doesn't use it immediately. He sets off now to speak to the Terrismen to unlock Feruchemy. He heads to the mountains, checks in with his connections there, and is …
How powerfull is Hoid? - Cosmere Q&A - 17th Shard, the Official …
Nov 21, 2018 · In Mistborn: A Secret History, Hoid takes a bit of Lurasium from the Well of Ascension. If Wit on Roshar is Hoid, then he also has a Cryptic, which could mean that he is now a Lightweaver. And then, in the final chapter of Oathbringer, it says something about repressing his healing, which hints at him being a Returned from Warbreaker.