Musaceae - Wikipedia
Musaceae is a family of flowering plants composed of three genera with about 91 known species, [3] placed in the order Zingiberales. The family is native to the tropics of Africa and Asia. The plants have a large herbaceous growth habit with leaves with overlapping basal sheaths that form a pseudostem making some members appear to be woody trees.
Musaceae: Characters, Distribution and Types - Biology …
The leaves of Musa are used as plates in S. India. Affinities of Musaceae: Musaceae shows some resemblance to Orchidaceae but it differ from latter in habit and absence of pollinia. Engler considered Musaceae as the ancestral stock of Orchidaceae. Bentham and Hooker placed Musaceae as tribe of family Scitamineae.
Musaceae | Banana, Plantain & Enset | Britannica
When the plant grows in an unsheltered place, wind and rain easily tear the leaves between the veins, giving the leaves a fringed or ragged appearance. The large, leathery bracts (leaflike structures) are red to purple. The yellow flowers have five fertile stamens and are rich in nectar.
Musaceae - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Musaceae are a family of flowering plants in the order Zingiberales. The family is native to the tropics of the Old World. The plants are large herbs with very big leaves; the lower parts of the leaves form a false stem so they look as trees.
Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany
The Musaceae are large, often treelike perennial herbs comprising 2 genera and about 45 species. The leaves are alternate and very large, with the proximal concentric, appressed sheathing portions comprising a pseudotrunk from which …
Musaceae: Characters, Distribution and Types
The leaves of Musa are used as plates in S. India. Affinities of Musaceae : Musaceae shows some resemblance to Orchidaceae but it differ from latter in habit and absence of pollinia.
Musaceae - SpringerLink
Mostly tall and robust, suckering or monocarpic herbs with gigantic leaves; stem massive, cormlike; leaf sheaths forming pseudostem around scape; lateral buds absent or leaf-opposed. Leaves alternate, spirally arranged, differentiated into sheath, petiole and blade;...
Musaceae - Unacademy
The Musaceae family is placed in the order zingiberaceous. These plants originated from the wetlands of eastern Asia. Their pseudostems are conical and slender and formed with the help of leaves arranged in a spiral pattern, and the sheaths overlap each other and form a crown-like structure on top.
MUSACEAE - theseedsite.co.uk
They are herbaceous plants, with thick pseudostems formed from the leaf sheaths. The leaves are very large, sheathing the stem, and arranged spirally. There is a thick oval midrib, with veins running from the midrib to the leaf margin. The leaves are entire at first, but torn by the wind.
Family Musaceae - Biocyclopedia
Leaves simple (but becoming ragged and pseudo-pinnate by tearing between the lateral veins); epulvinate. Lamina entire; lanceolate, or oblong, or ovate (large); pinnately veined (the laterals parallel to one another); without cross-venules (i.e. between the laterals).
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