noted vs note taken - WordReference Forums
Jan 21, 2018 · I found the use of the word note is in fact has more uses than I thought. I've searched throught google for note taken and find some of the results says has the exact same meaning as noted which means noticed and paid attention. Most of the results suggests note taken simply only means note down. Therefore I'm eager to know if they are the same.
Note-making vs. note making [Hyphenated nouns]
Aug 11, 2018 · Earlier this day I was doing some fill in the blanks questions, and in one point the answer was to be note-making, but what I wrote was note making. I wonder whether the two words are different or each is accepted in different area? And if the two were the same thing why it is once hyphenated and then it is two separate words?
take notes of vs take notes on - WordReference Forums
Mar 9, 2022 · Hello everyone, Should we use "of" or "on" after the phrase "take notes" ? Examples : Students make a table and take notes on/of the key points in the article. You should take notes of/on the core ideas of the entire lesson. Thanks
make note vs take note - WordReference Forums
May 22, 2024 · Is there any difference between make note and take note? Are they interchangeable in these four sentences. Thanks a lot! 1. Dave made a note of her address and phone number. From Longman Dictionary 2. The reporter took notes throughout the interview. From Longman Dictionary 3. As he read the letters, he made careful notes. From Longman ...
kicking ass and taking names | WordReference Forums
Aug 7, 2005 · That's why "taking names" is something that usually happens in the heat of the battle of misbehavior-- at exactly the time when "kicking ass" is also happening. So no, the combination of "kicking ass and taking names" is specifically Naval, and I'm confident that phrase derives from SP policy, not that of military police in general.
it’s there for the taking. | WordReference Forums
Oct 6, 2018 · Eleanor is Eleanor Roosevelt, a past U.S. First Lady (wife of a president). No doubt she had many demands on her time and obligations to fulfill when she was in her younger years, as a wife in general, as a wife of a man with serious physical limitations, as a wife of a politician and finally as the wife of a president.
I will be taking vs I am taking | WordReference Forums
Jan 17, 2011 · Hello everyone, Which one of these two sentences is correct: I'm afraid I can't go on the Biology trip with you on Wednesday afternoon. I will be taking/ I am taking my Math exam at that time. My choice is I will be taking. A definite period of time in the future (Future Continuous). Thank...
will take/will be taking | WordReference Forums
Nov 26, 2018 · Hi all There is a sentence in one exercise that says: I've decided that in the future I will take/will have taken/will be taking the train to work. The rule on future continuous says that we can use it as in the case of present continuous to talk about our future plans. The answer is I will...
They're yours for the taking | WordReference Forums
Jan 29, 2012 · For example, "I have three bottles of soda, they're yours for the taking" means if you come and get the bottles of soda you can have them. In the case of the song (Which I've never heard) my interpretation is "the pressure of everyone" is what is available to take, but similar to GF, the entire song doesn't make much sense to me.
in/on the chat | WordReference Forums
Aug 5, 2020 · The situation: online class Ask students to write down their doubts / questions on the chat (so that the class wasn't interrupted by students (I would answer immediately after reading the screen.)) I don't know if it's correct to write 'in the chat' or 'on the chat.' Thanks.