Symbol of Orcus | EN World D&D & Tabletop RPG News & Reviews
Dec 11, 2005 · The one for Libris Mortis sucked. Ghostwalk had the better holy symbol, IMHO. Course you could just google for a pic of Orcus and say "Hey lookie here!"
My setting's Orcus for your enjoyment *comments welcome* - EN …
Aug 21, 2005 · This is how my descriptive text for Orcus, who is the primary god of undeath, in the setting I am writing. I know there are Orcus lovers here and I thought some of you might enjoy it. It's rather long but it is the kind of write up all the deities in my setting are going to get. In any...
Orcus: Epic version | EN World D&D & Tabletop RPG News
Jan 3, 2003 · Orcus may use his Entropic Wave 11/day, dealing 19d12 points of damage. Orcus' Entropic Wave explodes in a radius of 190 feet; victims caught in the wave may attempt a Reflex save DC 42 for half damage. Orcus' Entropic Wave appears like a blast of foul blood and shattered bones that sink into ground shortly after being disperse.
The Demon Lords of Out of the Abyss - EN World
Jul 15, 2015 · Orcus was originally a mortal, a random evil soul that found itself in the Abyss after death turned into a vile Manes. A demon who slowly crawled his way up the Abyssal ranks until he became the great Demon Lord he is currently with no connection to his past life. Orcus hates all other Demon Lords who hate him in turn.
Hunting down a Rog/Clr(travel) (New:We got 'im!) - EN World
Mar 29, 2004 · Finally, before the BIR could react, I cast Summon Monster V: a Celestial Brown Bear! And, of course, it used its Improved Grab ability when it hit him. One grappled BIR, coming right up! Next the BIR got to react. Sounds like a rules snafu there. A Summon Monster spell takes one full round...
Symbol of Orcus | Page 2 | EN World Tabletop RPG News & Reviews
Dec 11, 2005 · posted it before, but i figured people could use a reminder. ;)
Orcus and Friends | EN World D&D & Tabletop RPG News & Reviews
Sep 15, 2005 · Orcus (Demon Prince of Undead) Large Outsider (Evil, Chaos) Hit Dice: 44d10+1586 (2026 hp) Initiative: +15 (+11 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Speed: 120 ft...
How to kill a blue dragon? | EN World D&D & Tabletop RPG News …
Nov 13, 2008 · Orcus Porkus said: The party is level 4, and encounters a young blue dragon (level 6 solo). The dragon hovers at 20 squares above the party, peppering it with it's lightning burst (range 20, burst 2, 1d6+4 lightning damage, half on miss.)
Orcus vs. Demogorgon | Page 2 - EN World
Jun 15, 2018 · Orcus has no way to get it back. Now, the range limitation is a big issue. Demogorgon has to start within 80 feet of Orcus to pull it off; he moves 50, uses telekinesis, grabs the wand. If Orcus can keep his distance, he can crush Demogorgon with magic and undead.
Acererak and Orcus | EN World D&D & Tabletop RPG News
Oct 4, 2011 · Acererak made the City That Waits his own abode after Orcus's death (Adventure booklet, page 56). 4. Acererak's tampering with the Negative Energy Plane, along with his waking the undead in the City That Waits and the last prayers of Quah-Nomag, brought Orcus back to an undead shadow of his former self (Dead Gods, page 6).