Pennzoil Q & A - Bob is the Oil Guy
Mar 8, 2014 · Pennzoil Platinum® Full Synthetic motor oil with PurePlus™ Technology keeps pistons up to 40% cleaner than the toughest industry standards (Based on ILSAC GF-5, Sequence IIIG piston deposit test using SAE 5W-30; does not apply to Pennzoil Platinum Euro products), meanwhile Pennzoil Ultra Platinum™ Full Synthetic motor oil with PurePlus™ …
Unveiling the Superiority of Pennzoil Ultra Platinum Oil: A Detailed ...
Jun 18, 2023 · The GTL base oil has a narrower bottom than the conventional base oil, and the ester spike in Pennzoil Platinum is likely a borate ester, which provides extra wear protection when combined with other additives. In conclusion, Mr. Lake Speed Jr. is convinced of the superior properties of Pennzoil Ultra Platinum oil and plans to use it in his ...
Why is Pennzoil Plat Dexos certified while Ultra Plat not?
Oct 27, 2018 · The new oils is Pennzoil Ultra Platinum PurePlus Technology. Basically, it was all before Pennzoil\Shell switch to natural gas. The original Pennzoil Ultra was PAO-based, which is long gone. That was a legendary oil. When the Pennzoil Ultra Platinum came, they replaced the PAO base oil with Group III+ base oil.
Synchromesh: Valvoline Vs. Pennzoil | BobIsTheOilGuy
Jun 16, 2005 · 2. How much "seal swelling" does Pennzoil Synchromesh offer compared to other transmission fluids? More than typical? 3. How harsh is the dispersant ingredient on seals? 4. Although not recommended, would Pennzoil Synchromesh mix well with (1) Dex/Merc or (2) synthetic 75W-90 gear oil without adverse effects such as foaming, separation, seal ...
Penzoil Platinum Euro L - BobIsTheOilGuy
Apr 14, 2013 · Pennzoil has FOUR different 30 grade EURO oils, 5w30 Euro, 5w30 Euro L, 5w30 Euro AV, and 0w30 Euro LX. These oils are typically thicker than a regular 5w30, with the 3.5 HTHS that most European manufacturers require, and …
Pennzoil 0w-20 Full Synthetic - BobIsTheOilGuy
Jun 12, 2010 · I would recommend the Pennzoil Platinum over the Pennzoil Full Synthetic for the Dexos1 approval. It will assure a higher minimum quality for a slight premium. MRV and pour point (-51 celsius for Pennzoil Full Synthetic) for a 0w-20 is irrelevant in Virginia, which has a lowest recorded temperature of -34 celsius.
How good is pennzoil platinum? - BobIsTheOilGuy
Dec 8, 2008 · That old Pennzoil thing doesn't apply anymore. He was talking about wax and such. The next oil going in my Malibu is Pennzoil Platinum. I just changed the oil in two friends' cars and put in Pennzoil conventional (yellow bottle). Both friends said that oil works really well.
Pennzoil - Key Features and Benefits of ILSAC GF-7 Q&A
Aug 20, 2003 · The thread will be open for submissions from 12:00 PM ET on Friday, March 7, until 6:00 PM ET on Friday, March 14. The Pennzoil team and API will work together to provide answers to your questions. The responses will be posted in a separate thread on Wednesday, March 26. Both Pennzoil and the API team are excited to kick off this opportunity!
Valvoline vs. Pennzoil | BobIsTheOilGuy
Apr 13, 2016 · I always leaned towards Pennzoil but I don't really like the Pennzoil Jugs they are prone to leaking because they don't have the inner seal like Valvoline does.. Shot gun I owned an engine shop up until a year ago and honestly i don't know how anyone could say one oil wears so much more or less than another.
Pennzoil.... Any Good? - BobIsTheOilGuy
Feb 22, 2006 · Pennzoil is good oil, some say one of the better non synthetics. Fact is, oil for the most part is oil, generally none perform much better than others.(unless you compare synthetic to regular "dino" oil then you can use it longer, and it will give atleast somewhat better protection) Use what you like, or what you believe your vehicle is doing ...