Difference between font face, typeface, font in the context of ...
Font Face = See above. This isn't really a typographic term outside of CSS's @font-face. typeface vs. font = this is where things get really vague. Traditionally, a typeface was a particular style …
What does the size of the font translate to exactly?
The "font size" of a font refers to the font's "em height", which isn't necessarily the same as the height of particular characters in the font. Usually the em height of a font adheres to the same …
Setting font-weight vs bold font-family in CSS, which is more …
Jul 20, 2016 · You are confused. Your Google font example does not only refer to the Raleway italic as just font-family: 'Raleway' (contradicting your bold example above) but, additionally, …
What is the difference between a font and a typeface?
Nov 16, 2012 · A typeface is the creative idea. A font is the manifestation thereof. (Same with a "song" vs. "an MP3" (or record or tape or sheet music.)) But in practice, they're the same thing. …
What's the difference between OpenType vs. TrueType
Mar 1, 2021 · An OpenType font is a single file, which can be used on both Macintosh and Windows platforms without conversion. OpenType fonts have many advantages over previous …
What is the difference between Glyph and Font?
Jan 2, 2015 · Font: Maps abstract characters to glyphs that adhere to the font type. Glyph: A pictorial representation of a character. So a font is usually a collection of glyphs, where said …
Which fonts have the same width for every character?
A monospaced font, also called a fixed-pitch, fixed-width, or non-proportional font, is a font whose letters and characters each occupy the same amount of horizontal space. Examples of …
What is the typical ratio of font size to x-height?
Jul 6, 2016 · For example, I would be very surprised to see a font which has a size 5 times its x-height, or a font with point size only 1.1 times its x-height, although I can imagine a few …
What distinguishes a print font from a screen font?
Mar 21, 2018 · I imagine this is more of a spectrum rather than "this font is a print font only" type of thing. I'd like to know what characteristics should be taken into account when determining if …
fonts - Is Typeface and Type Family the same thing? - Graphic …
May 15, 2016 · Times 14pt roman, etc., is only a font in the traditional sense, of course; in the digital age, TimesRegular.ttf (or whatever the file name is) is a font belonging to the Times …