Wode Maya - Wikipedia
Berthold Kobby Winkler Ackon (born March 3, 1990), popularly known as Wode Maya, [2] is a Ghanaian YouTube personality, vlogger, [3] digital media influencer, [4] and aeronautical engineer. [5][6][7] His name Wode Maya (Wǒ de Mà yà) …
Wode Maya biography: family, girlfriend, education, Chinese, facts
Jan 21, 2021 · Berthold Winkler, known professionally as Wode Maya, is a famous YouTube personality, vlogger, and aeronautical engineer. The Ghanaian gained fame when he began making videos about life in China.
Wode Maya is an African freelance Vlogger / YouTuber with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Shenyang Aerospace University, China, Wode Maya has, over the years been able to create a...
Wode Maya - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
贝特霍尔德·科比·温克勒·阿空 (英語: Berthold Kobby Winkler Ackon,1990年11月8日 —),网名 Wode Maya[1],是 加纳 YouTuber 、 视频博主 [2] 、 网络红人 [3] 和前 航空工程师 [4][5][6]。 “Wode Maya”即为 中文 “我的妈呀”的拼音 [7]。 2017年,他拍摄的一部名为“Black In China || Problems Black People Face In China”的视频在网络上疯传,其中在公共汽车上拍摄的一段镜头显示他旁边的座位空着,其他乘客因为他的肤色而站着 [8]。 2021年,他被称为 非洲 最具影响 …
Wode Maya’s Biography, Age, Wife, Net Worth, Mother, Height, …
Feb 1, 2024 · Wode Maya born ( Berthold Kobby Winkler Ackon ) is a Ghanaian YouTube personality, vlogger, influencer, aeronautical engineer and digital media. ‘Wode Maya’ means ‘My Mother’ in Chinese.
Being A Foreigner Inside China's Slow Train - YouTube
Being A Foreigner Inside China's Slow Train I just wanted to share how it's like to be in a slow train as foreigner! If you enjoy this episode don't forget to Like and share Support the Channel...
Wode Maya Biography: Wife, Net Worth, Parents, Age, Height, …
Wode Maya, born Berthold Kobby Winkler Ackon, is a YouTuber and Digital media influencer. He first garnered attention through his YouTube channel, where he documented his experiences as an aeronautical engineer navigating the cultural landscape of China.
Who is Wode Maya? Biography, age, career and net worth of …
May 31, 2023 · Wode Maya real name Berthold Winkler is a trained aeronautical engineer and a Ghanaian YouTuber, best known for his tourism-focused videos. Growing up from a village in Kofikrom in the western region of Ghana, Wode Maya, had the opportunity to travel to China to further his studies.
About - Wode Maya
An African Vlogger / YouTuber who started vlogging to change the negative stereotypes about Africans living in china, has grown to be the welcome train for the African diaspora.
Videos - Wode Maya
An African Vlogger / YouTuber who started vlogging to change the negative stereotypes about Africans living in china, has grown to be the welcome train for the African diaspora.