FAQ: wxWidgets and OpenGL - wxWidgets Discussion Forum
Apr 30, 2012 · This is what wx/samples/opengl/pyramid does, only because glew is a huge library, and normally just a small subset is needed. (*1) The needed code is platform-dependant.
advice needed: opengl gui library that goes with Wx - wxWidgets
Dec 22, 2020 · I find it more efficient to use traditional wxWidgets windows and controls beside an OpenGL canvas or inside floating windows above and separate from the OpenGL canvas window. The controls placed beside an OpenGL canvas are things like a wxToolbar above and a status line at the bottom of the window, beneath the OpenGL canvas.
wxWidgets & openGL - wxWidgets Discussion Forum
Dec 19, 2013 · The {OpenGL} samples are located in wxWidgets/samples {/opengl}. While cube, isosurf and penguin are to show the basic usage of OpenGL and how to use it, the pyramid sample is there to show the modern/current OpenGL 3.0 usage.
GLFW for OpenGL in wxWidgets - wxWidgets Discussion Forum
Feb 1, 2014 · For OpenGL context creation I am using GLFW, and I would like the context to be within a window of the application. I know of wxGLCanvas, but I would like to use GLFW because of the contrext attributes it allows to be set. Has anyone successfuly used GLFW to display OpenGL graphics in a wxWidgets app?
How to setup wxGLContext properly? - wxWidgets
Oct 14, 2021 · Please check the "opengl/pyramid" sample that come with wxWidgets. Under GTK you can't set the GL context before the underlying window is fully initialized. Therefore the samples initialize OGL in the OnSize event handler and don't draw inside the paint event handler until the window size is > 0.
wxWidgets + OpenGL + Frame Buffer Objects (FBO)
Oct 14, 2009 · Hello people! I am new to wxWidgets and to OpenGL. I have a problem with opengl fbo and wxWidgets, so, I have a question. Is it possible to use OpenGL extensions (such as frame buffer objects) with wxWidgets? If it is possible, can you, please, explain how? Or post link to related code/documentation/tutorial. Thank's for your time and advices.
OpenGl shaders with wxWidgets, can't get anything to draw.
Jan 12, 2013 · Or don't know too much about OpenGL or even GLSL. But first you should do two things: a) Get the unmodified OpenGL samples that come with wxWidgets working b) get the OpenGL code with shaders running in a non-wxWidgets application Then you can try to integrate the shader code into the wxWidgets code.
OpenGL Textures + wxWidgets - wxWidgets Discussion Forum
Jun 14, 2007 · Is there some quirk in wxWidgets that can prevent textures from being loaded/displayed properly? I've tried both my BMP loader (which I've used in every other non-wxWidgets-related OpenGL project without problems) and wxImage, but either method just yields solid polygons. Below is the relevant code:
OpenGL - recommended way to do a render loop? - wxWidgets
Feb 26, 2020 · Hello, I've just started looking into OpenGL. The 3.x sample (pyramid) is refreshed by mouse events, but what is the recommended/best performance-wise way to have a render loop? Is it through idle-events just as 2D-applications, or something different? This might be offtopic, feel free to split this into a new thread if you wish.
openGL penguin example - wxWidgets Discussion Forum
Oct 5, 2013 · I've been updating the penguin openGL sample in the wxWidgets source so that it uses the wxWidgets mouse events rather than the trackball.c code. Everything seems to work well-- I can rotate, translate, and zoom the penguin around the …