About - Ann Daly
Ann Daly PhD Author of Done into Dance: Isadora Duncan in America and a volume of collected arts criticism titled Critical Gestures. Contributor to The New York Times, Houston Chronicle, …
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A scholar/journalist, writing about women artists and women’s history. At work on a new book:
Done into Dance - Ann Daly
Going beyond the romantic myth of “Isadora,” Daly addresses the unanswered questions: What did her audiences see on stage, and how did they respond? What dreams and fears of theirs …
Read - Ann Daly
In Canyon, Texas, Georgia O'Keeffe was a 30-year-old teacher who ran afoul of anti-German extremism during World War I.
Resume - Ann Daly
Ann Daly. About; Read; Watch; Georgia O’Keeffe; Contact; Subscribe; Employment. 2006 to present Freelance essayist Houston Chronicle, The Smart Set, Sightlines, Huffington Post, …
Critical Gestures - Ann Daly
Ann Daly. About; Read; Watch; Georgia O’Keeffe; Contact; Subscribe; Critical Gestures: Writings on Dance and Culture Wesleyan University Press, 2002. Spanning the divide between …
Georgia O'Keeffe | Ann Daly
Ann Daly. About; Read; Watch; Georgia O’Keeffe; Contact; Subscribe; Digging For Stars: The Art of Georgia O'Keeffe. In this book-in-progress, I take the reader on a guided tour of the artist’s …
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The Final Paintings of Georgia O'Keeffe. take a sneak peek of my upcoming book . . . Follow; Follow; Follow
Contact - Ann Daly
I am now booking talks about Georgia O’Keeffe. To: Ann Daly. name. email. message
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