Throat and chest burn from smoking dab pen - Grasscity Forums
Nov 1, 2019 · Has anyone experienced throat and chest burning after smoking a dab pen? I had a kingpen cart in the grapefruit flavor and had burning in my throat immediately after, it spread to my chest the next day, and it lasted for 2 weeks. I went to the doctor and they diagnosed me with esophagitis but I’ve never heard of vape carts causing that.
Empty cart, still get smoke, is this actual oil or am I just inhaling ...
Sep 21, 2020 · When I get to the bottom of a cart I grab a pair of pliers and grab the 5-10 connector unscrew the top and heat a glass up enough to take the last couple drops out off on a bowl pack of some weed and it's good to go in a smolder for seems like ever Sent from my LM-Q610(FGN) using Tapatalk
How long does a 1g Vape cart last you? - Grasscity Forums
Jan 21, 2023 · To me it was actually worse than the distillate cart. All in all, I thoroughly feel carts are not worth it though. Hard to beat flower but other than it I think you're better off with straight concentrate to dab or vape with a dab pen over carts. I just don't find the bang for the buck and overall experience to be worth it.
How to Smoke an Oil Cartridge Without A Pen - Grasscity Forums
Jul 2, 2017 · Carts rarely fail, we get maybe 2 out of 10000 returned here at our shop.the batteries/pen are usually the culprit. Sometime a simple tweak can fix it, other times you just need a new pen. I'd suggest the newer version of pen which allows you to control temp and get the most out of your carts, they should be realeasing soon.
Using a lighter to hit a dab pen - Grasscity Forums
Nov 25, 2019 · Doesn’t sound like a very good idea. If anything you’d probably have a better chance with some type of heating rod applied to the bottom of the cart itself but even then.. regulating the temp will most likely be an issue & the cart would probably leak or …
Brand new vape cartridge not working - Grasscity Forums
Apr 2, 2018 · Both pins where they connect must be free of debris for the atomizer to fire properly, perhaps it is gummed up. Or one cart was tightened too tight and adjustments must be made to bring the pin back to optimal position. Conductivity must be restored and as long as the cart isn't burned out you may be able to save it.
I can't get high from my vape. - Grasscity Forums
Feb 27, 2018 · I've been asking my boyfriend for weed for a while now because I have bad anxiety. For my birthday, he got me a pen and two cartridges, both CaliGold Extract brand, but he kept one. The packaging was sealed and says 'Live Resin Clear Distillate'. It has the 24k Gold tip and connects to a universal 510 threaded vape battery.
Weed Cartridge randomly empty - Grasscity Forums
Mar 28, 2018 · I recently got into cartridges and was on my third .5g cart. I still had half of my cart left but while eating lunch I was looking at my cart and the oil started to disappear. I was looking for spots for possible leakage but there wasn't a spot where any oil was coming out. Now there is only oil by the wick.
My cartridge fits but won't work - Grasscity Forums
Dec 13, 2020 · Using vape pens tends to quickly cause sticky tar to increasingly cover both cartridge contacts and vape pen contacts. Use isopropyl alcohol to clean contacts with tissue paper and or Q-tips. There are web sites showing internal views of cartridge contacts that can be repaired with tweezers.
Why didn't I get high a single time from my dab pen?
May 2, 2020 · I have never heard of a .3 pen cart so for me that is a red flag right there. Usually they come in .5 grams, and the other thing I was thinking is maybe you got a CBD only pen? If you have vapor coming out but not feeling it then you got a dud and I would take it back but you used it all so they may not take it. Good luck.