1st or 2nd Cutting? - The Horse Forum
Jul 25, 2009 · I'm about to bring in a load of hay next week, timothy, and the farmer asked if I wanted 1st or 2nd cutting. Ages ago my ex-father in law, a bit of a small time farmer himself, suggested 1st cutting was the more nutritious. But then I vaguely remember seeing a post in here somewhere were someone said 2nd was better. But I cannot find it.
Hay: sugar content in various cuttings | The Horse Forum
Oct 3, 2015 · I'm looking at buying some orchard grass hay. I got 60 bales of the second cutting, and it's very nice hay and has a reasonably sugar content (12% NSC). This guy is getting ready to do his third cutting (in October, in Pennsylvania, where we've had some cool evenings but no frost yet). I just don't know what to expect from the third cutting.
Any problems with 1st cutting hay? - The Horse Forum
Aug 15, 2023 · Here 1st cutting is only cutting of hay if by chance a 2 cutting happens it's usually poor quality hay hard to get it dry with short daylight hours an heavy dew happening daily. Second cutting high quality comes from further south like 4 to 5 hours away. Prices from the south are double to triple what it cost locally.
not eating new hay - The Horse Forum
Oct 16, 2017 · My friend gave me the idea of mixing the old hay in with the new when filling his hay bag, and sure enough, after a few days he was completely switched to the new. Rest easy, my Best Boy Bear. April 24th, 1999 - May 19th, 2022.
How can you chop hay yourself? - The Horse Forum
Apr 5, 2012 · I bought a leaf shredder from Home Depot for about 200$. Works great. Harley gets chopped hay when it is a bit too coarse for his old teeth to grind down. I have had no problems with it, though you can only chop a bit of hay at a time, but …
Grass hay vs alfalfa for older hard keeper? | The Horse Forum
May 6, 2010 · Feed an older horse free choice grass hay that has an rfv of 75 and you can watch the weight come off. Feed ann older horse a grass hay with a rfv of 125 and he will do very well. limit feed an older horse some alfalfa with a rfv of 190 along with some nice 100 rfv grass and you will have something!
can this years first cutting hay be fed to horses?
Jun 14, 2011 · If the horse has had any sort of bouts with laminitis, I would give a second thought to feeding hay straight off the field. Might want to give the have a couple weeks to cure and just buy a few bales of last year's grass hay in the interim. Also best to have the hay tested by a lab if this horse has had any previous laminitic and metabolic issues.
Differences between types of hay? | The Horse Forum
Feb 4, 2009 · Here in Kansas our grass hay comes from the Prairie grasses. Big and Small Bluestem are 2 of the native grasses here. Brome is also available, it is richer in protein and a nice step up from prairie hay. Alfalfa needs to be free of blister beetles<I forget which cutting cuz I don't use it>. There is no Timothy or Kentucky Bluegrass hay grown here.
Hay for older horse? - The Horse Forum
Sep 8, 2011 · First cutting alfalfa hay in my area, is to 'hot' for horses. By HOT the farmer means that The protein levels are way to high and can cause liver failure. The TDN ( total digestable nutrient) should never be above 27% and this is high for …
Hay.. what cutting is better? - The Horse Forum
May 21, 2008 · Our hay guys only do one cutting so don't have a choice. I think 1st cutting on alfalfa is best since the likelyhood of blister beetles is less. Later cuttings may have them in it and they are toxic to horses. We get brome and prairie grass hay in this part of the country.