Cyrene (mythology) - Wikipedia
Cyrene was a Thessalian princess, the daughter of Hypseus. She was a fierce huntress, called by Nonnus, a "deer-chasing second Artemis, the girl lionkiller" and "a champion in the leafy forest with lionslaying hands". [9]
Cyrene | Aegean, Oracle & Nymph | Britannica - Encyclopedia Britannica
Cyrene, in Greek mythology, a nymph, daughter of Hypseus (king of the Lapiths) and Chlidanope (a Naiad). One day Cyrene wrestled a lion that had attacked her father’s flocks. Apollo, who was watching, fell in love with her and carried her off from Mount Pelion, in Thessaly, to Libya.
CYRENE (Kyrene) - Thessalian Princess of Greek Mythology
KYRENE (Cyrene) was a Thessalian princess, the daughter of King Hypseus of the Lapiths. She was a famed huntress who guarded her father's herds on Mount Pelion, slaying wild beasts with javelin and sword. One day, when she was wrestling a lion, the god Apollon spied her and was inflamed with love.
Cyrene - World History Encyclopedia
Jul 4, 2023 · Local legend said that Cyrene killed her lion in Libya, where the king had offered his kingdom to anyone who would rid him of the destructive beast. At any rate, the [Greeks] made Cyrene their patron goddess along with Apollo, whose cult they had brought with them and to whom their chief worship was always consecrated.
Cyrene in Greek Mythology - Greek Legends and Myths
Cyrene’s skill as a huntress ensured that she became the chief protector of her father’s cattle and sheep, and it was in this role that she was chanced upon by the Greek god Apollo. As a lion attacked the cattle of Hypseus, Cyrene did not kill it with a javelin or arrow, but instead wrestled with it, until it succumbed.
Cyrene - Classical Mythology
Cyrene, daughter of Hypseus, was a famed huntress and revered companion of Artemis. Known for her strength and beauty, she caught Apollo's eye while wrestling a lion. Transported to Libya by the god, she became mother to Aristaeus, an agricultural deity, and Idmon, a warrior seer.
Cyrene - Greek Mythology
Cyrene was the daughter of King Hypseus of the Lapiths, in Greek mythology. Some sources mention that she was instead the daughter of the river god Peneus, and she was herself a nymph. Cyrene was an able huntress. One day, a lion attacked the sheep of her father and Cyrene tried to save them by wrestling with the animal.
Cyrene - Greek Mythology Link
Apollo found Cyrene wrestling alone with a lion and carried her off to that part of Libya where in later times he founded a city and named it, after her, Cyrene. The extraordinarily beautiful Cyrene was reared near Mount Pelion in Thessaly. Her father (according to some) was Hypseus 1, probably the first king of the LAPITHS.
Cyrene - Mythology
Apr 26, 2020 · Cyrene was Thessalian princess, the daughter of Hypsues, the king of Lapiths, and Chlidanope. She was a fierce huntress, one of the best of her time, and was also known as ''the deer chasing second Artemis'', ''the girl lion killer" and …
Greek Mythology: Cyrene - Blogger
May 26, 2014 · One day when a lion attacked her father's sheep, Cyrene wrestled with the lion, the god Apollo spied her and fell in love with her. He kidnap Cyrene and carried her off to the Hill of Myrtles (Myrtoessa) in Libyan North Africa where the Greeks would late found a colony named Cyrene in her honour.