MetaGas - Najväčší predajca kotlovej techniky na Slovensku
V META-GAS máte vždy profesionálny, ochotný a ústretový prístup od naších zamestnancov. Na všetkých našich pobočkách je široký sortiment tovaru. Ponúkame Vám bezplatný rozvoz …
Gas Station / Atelier SAD - ArchDaily
May 25, 2012 · Completed in 2011 in Galanta, Slovakia. Images by Tomas Soucek. Service area – a reinforced - concrete structure featuring three funnel - shaped columns that support a …
Shell Gas Station location in Galanta | Vajanského ul. 1701
Shell Gas Station location at VAJANSKÉHO UL. 1701, GALANTA, TRNAVSKÝ KRAJ with address, opening hours, phone number, directions, and more with an interactive map and up …
Najväčší predajca kotlovej techniky na Slovensku - MetaGas
META-GAS, spol. s r.o. Puškinova 1529/15 924 01 Galanta. IČO: 36 256 391 IČ DPH: SK2020194671. tel.: +421(31)7732 211 mobil: 0903 469 518
Shell Gas Station Locations in Galanta
Find local Shell Gas Station locations in Galanta, Trnava Region with addresses, opening hours, phone numbers, directions, and more using our interactive map and up-to-date information.
Shell Stations in Galanta, Slovakia
Find the nearest petrol, diesel, gas, LNG and hydrogen station or charging point (or fast charger) in Galanta, Slovakia. View the available fuels, EV charging options at Shell Recharge and in …
Petrol stations in Galanta, province Trnava, Slovakia
Galanta Slovakia municipality Galanta, province Trnava GPS: 48.191050,17.727063 ~3177 inhabitants per petrol station
GAS - Matúškovo, Matúšková cesta 14, Galanta - myLPG.eu
GAS - Matúškovo is a LPG station in Galanta, Slovakia. Find or add latest autogas prices.
Galanta centrála | Metagas.sk
META-GAS, spol. s r.o. Puškinova 1529/15 924 01 Galanta. IČO:36 256 391. IČ DPH:SK2020194671. tel.: +421(31)7732 211. mobil: 0903469518. Otváracie hodiny: Pon. - …
META-GAS, spol. s r.o. , Galanta - daibau.sk
Spoločnosť META-GAS sa za posledných 31 rokov stala s 13-timi pobočkami a ročnými tržbami 20 mil. EUR, najväčším predajcom kotlovej techniky na Slovensku. V kúrenárskom, …