Hay ring for horses? | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
Aug 12, 2006 · Some will pig out on hay if it's free choice; others will only eat what they "need". Some must be fed a "weighed" or "measured" hay ration; others do well free choice on a round bale. This said: The Applegate Steel ("Tombstone Model") red ring or one of the Tartar Gate's horse rings work well for either horses of Longhorn cattle.
Best hay ring?? | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
Jan 26, 2014 · Feeding in a hay ring, feeding rounds on the ground in the pasture and unrolling rounds on the ground in the pasture. They found hay waste in all methods was about 20% give or take 2%. The big diference they found was that feeding in the same area like a barn yard as compated to on pasture.
Which hay ring? | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
Sep 23, 2018 · I'll never buy another steel hay ring. Reply. P. pricefarm Well-known member. Joined Jul 7, 2013 Messages ...
hay ring needed | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
Feb 9, 2008 · The third day of use one cow got her head stuck and dragged it all over the pasture. We had the Vet come and trank her so we could pry her head out. There are many to choose from. The next one I buy will be wrapped on the lower sides and as heavy duty as I can afford. Cows sure do make a mess around the hay ring. Good post, good luck. Tom
Nov 13, 2002 · We feed the hay in the poorest paddock that we have that particular year. We treat it as an almost waste paddock, although the tramping of some hay and the churning of the mud helps to work some fertility in the soil. We move the rings so that when the cows are at the ring , their just barely outside of the area they just chewed up.
Move hay rings/feeders or leave in one spot? - CattleToday.com
Dec 22, 2007 · The hay ring post below got me to think what folks do as far as moving hay rings through the winter or just leave them in one spot. I am leaning more toward leaving them in one spot to concentrate the manure/dropped hay in one spot so it can be forked, piled and composted.
Long Horns...Hay Ring Problem - CattleToday.com
Dec 18, 2004 · I have been using Horse Ring Feeders from TSC (Tractor Supply Center) for my Longhorns. The only problem I have had, is when the hay gets low they tend to filp or move the ring over. I figured they were getting their neck pinched when the hay got low. I cut perhaps a 2 to 3 inch section out, bent it down and rewelded it.
Hay in hay ring | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
Jan 3, 2010 · I have three different styles of hay feeders, single cradle, double cradle, standard ring and a "Bextra" ring. Of all of them the Bextra wastes the least hay but they each have their benefits and drawbacks. Where ever I have calves I use the cradles since they can get the hay out right down to the end of the bale.
Mud around hay ring | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
Dec 28, 2010 · Can't believe how muddy it is already . Wish texas had some of the wet weather. Anyway how do you handle the mud around your hay ring . I've got a chance for some concrete slabs . Thinking about placing them , then filling in around with roadpack . Would this be a good idea . Got to find out how much to get slab hauled .
Hay rings with the skirts at the bottom - CattleToday.com
Dec 19, 2018 · The sheeted bottom hay rings reduce waste by about 5%-6% of the total bale weight. The cone feeders with a sheeted bottom are by far the best, but I am not sure the added cost is worth it. Personally, I am going to start buying the poly hay rings.