Heidi “Susie” Balch (1964-1989) - Find a Grave Memorial
State police said Wednesday Heidi Balch is believed to be the first of 17 women killed by Joel Rifkin during a four-year spree that ended in 1993 when he was pulled over for a missing …
Joel Rifkin - Wikipedia
Rifkin committed his first murder on February 20, 1989, killing Heidi Balch in his home in East Meadow.
How Police Identified Severed Head After 24-Year Mystery
Mar 27, 2013 · The head of 25-year-old Heidi Balch, who worked as a prostitute around Manhattan in 1988, was found on a Hopewell Township, N.J., golf course, in 1989, but was …
Severed head found on Hopewell golf course identified 24 years …
On March 26, 2013, Hopewell Township Police announced that the head has been identified as Heidi Balch of New York. She was 25 when she was killed. According to authorities, Balch is …
Woman whose severed head was found on Hopewell golf course in 1989 …
Mar 26, 2013 · DNA evidence earlier this month confirmed the dead woman’s identity as Heidi Balch, a 25-year-old New York City woman. Her skull had sat in a Hopewell evidence room for …
DNA Helps ID Severed Head Found On NJ Golf Course In 1989
Mar 27, 2013 · HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP, N.J. (CBSNewYork/AP) -- DNA helped authorities identify a severed head found on a New Jersey golf course in 1989 as a New York City woman …
Severed head found in 1989 identified, linked to serial killer
Mar 27, 2013 · Authorities say 25-year-old Heidi Balch likely was the first victim of Joel Rifkin, who is in prison in New York after admitting he killed 17 women in the early 1990s. They cite...
Severed head found in 1989 linked to serial killer - USA TODAY
Mar 27, 2013 · New Jersey State Police said Heidi Balch is believed to be the first of 17 women killed by Joel Rifkin during a four-year spree that ended when he was pulled over for...
Severed head on golf course identified as Heidi Balch; believed …
Mar 28, 2013 · After years of searching for answers, New Jersey police say the victim was prostitute Heidi Balch, 25, who was murdered in 1989, the Daily News reports. Balch's head …
Heidi Balch - Unidentified Wiki
Heidi Balch (January 7, 1964 - c. February 20, 1989) was a young woman whose severed cranium was found on a golf course in 1989. Additional remains were also recovered. Joel …