The ICL-02i provides a diagnostic tool for any detected corrosion. The ICL-02i can be placed in a test post with remote monitoring. Installation is simple: Connect a MetriCorr coupon to the pipe through the logger, and connect a reference electrode to the logger.
Downloads - MetriCorr
Information sheets and MetriCorr software. Complete series of products for the pipeline and the wind power industries.
The ICL‐02‐i is a dual channel logger, which quantifies corrosion of ER‐coupons. The decrease in ER coupon thickness is measured, while it synchronously logs pipeline a.c voltage and d.c. potential, a.c. and d.c. current density and spread/leakage resistance of each coupon.
ICL-LEDG2 | Products - Intense Lighting
icl-ledg2 The multiples series is designed for easy installation and fixture maintenance, with all parts and components accessible from below the ceiling. All lamp holders are adjustable 360° horizontal and 30° vertical for spot lighting in multiple directions.
Spectroscopy Optics, Accessories, & Supplies for Analytics
ICL has produced quality crystal optics for spectroscopy and CO2 lasers since 1962. ICL... Cadmium Manganese Telluride (“CMT”) is a magneto-optical material developed exclusively at ICL. With a...
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ICL Notícias 2ª Edição na Íntegra
O ICL Notícias é o veículo de notícias mais confiável do Brasil. Jornalismo sem patrocínio, sem monetização, totalmente independente e apartidário, com as pr...
Door lock - iTEC - Access Controls - PDF Catalogs - ArchiExpo
Consult iTEC - Access Controls's Door lock brochure on ArchiExpo. Page: 1/2.
iKG Cupboard Lock ICL-02-22/25MM Common Ultra Key Brass …
Apr 5, 2024 · IKG Products Are Not Only Magnificent In Quality And Reasonably Priced But They Also Set The Standards For Other Industrial Creations. Application:-Drawer &Cupboard Etc. 21/25MM OR 32 MM Cupboard Lock |Dimple Key Technology.