Nohkan - Wikipedia
The Nohkan (能 管) is a high pitched, Japanese transverse bamboo flute, or fue (笛). It is commonly used in traditional Imperial Noh and Kabuki theatre. The nohkan flute was created by Kan'ami and his son Zeami in the 15th century, during the time when the two were transforming the Noh theatre forms Dengaku and Sarugaku.
Nohkan (Flute) - Stanford University
The nohkan creates an ambiance that reflects the particular emotions of the play, the status or psychological mindset of a character in a given shōdan, and underlines the dramatic structure. This is achieved using a collection of just over a hundred melodic patterns and pieces that are shared between different plays.
Nohkan - Wikiwand
The nohkan or fue' ("flute") is made of split and tapered strips of smoked bamboo (susudake) or burned bamboo (yakidake), glued together to form a tapering conical bore. The smoking carbonizes the bamboo and preserves it.
Nohkan Construction Flutes from Asia have traditionally been made from bamboo. Because this material is readily available in Asia, and because it has many uses, the techniques in working with this wood have been highly developed. The flute (Nohkan) used in the Noh drama displays the utmost sophistication in working with bamboo (see Figs. 1 and 3).
Nohkan Flute - Organology
The nohkan flute is a traditional high-pitched Japanese transverse bamboo flute, created in the 15th century by Kan’ami and his son Zeami. It is commonly used in Noh and Kabuki theatre, producing a distinct sound essential to these performance arts.
Nohkan Examples - Stanford University
Here, the shōga ' hi ' is used for two different sounds: the highest shrilling sound called hishigi, and the standard high-pitched sound. In the example, the hishigi sound appears in the middle of the second line, while the standard one is at the beginning of the third line.
能管(のうかん/横笛)は「能」や「狂言」、「歌舞伎」の囃子に用いられる笛です。 竹でできた長さ四十センチほどの横笛で、雅楽で用いる龍笛に似ており、指穴が七つあり、吹き口と指穴との内側に「ノド」と呼ばれる細い竹片がはめこまれています。 「ノド」によって息の通り道が狭く、強い息で笛を吹くことが必要になり、演奏者の技法によって豊かに表現が広がる個性的な管楽器です。 能楽への手引き. 能管教室. 数ある日本の管楽器の中でも最も表現力豊かで個性 …
nohkan (noh flute) - Japanese Wiki Corpus
Nohkan is a sort of the Japanese transverse flutes. It's used not only in "Noh" (traditional masked dance-drama), but also in "Kabuki" (traditional drama performed by male actors), "Yosebayashi" (rakugo theater music), and "Gion bayashi" (Japanese orchestra of Gion Festival).
Nohkan | the-Noh.com | Noh Terminology
Aug 4, 2009 · The nohkan is characterized by the nodo or “throat,” a small tube that is inserted between the mouthpiece and finger holes, which gives it its unique sound quality.
Nokan Japanese transverse flute Yokobue Gagaku – takaramon
The Nokan is a high pitched, Japanese transverse flute or fue/ Yokobue. It is commonly used in traditional Imperial Noh and Kabuki theatre. The nohkan flute was created by Kan'ami and his son Zeami in the 15th century, during the time when the two were transforming the Noh theatre forms Dengaku and Sarugaku.