OU Seal - The University of Oklahoma
The University Seal is primarily used for official university purposes, such as the publications of the institution, its certificates, diplomas, legal documents and printed materials in conjunction with official functions of the university.
Logos and Wordmarks - The University of Oklahoma
The University Seal is primarily used for official university purposes, such as publications of the institution, certificates, diplomas, legal documents and printed materials in conjunction with official functions of the university.
Brand - The University of Oklahoma
Logos, wordmarks, the OU Seal – find usage for each and practical application. Learn About Our Brand Identity.
Graduation attire depends on college, type of degree
Dec 8, 2014 · While all graduating OU students wear the same black gown with crimson flannel on the front panel and sleeves, some aspects of each student's regalia are determined by what level of degree they...
Iconic spots on campus part of OU tradition | | oudaily.com
Aug 19, 2017 · The seal on the South Oval is located outside of Bizzell Memorial Library. The seal is fairly new, but students have been asked to avoid walking or biking over it as a matter of respect and...
OU Seal Reflects Mission - The Oklahoman
Feb 18, 1990 · The shared destiny between the state and the University of Oklahoma is reflected in the earliest symbol of the institution. The OU seal was developed from a chapel talk given by OU's first president, David Ross Boyd.
Seal of Oklahoma - Wikipedia
The Great Seal of Oklahoma was officially adopted in 1907 and is used to authenticate certain documents issued by the Government of Oklahoma. The phrase is used both for the physical seal itself, which is kept by the Secretary of State, and more generally for the design impressed upon it.
The Sower - University of Oklahoma - Waymarking.com
Nov 8, 2010 · Our university seal features the Seed Sower, an emblem of our first university president, David Ross Boyd. Boyd walked across the Oklahoma prairies sowing the seeds of education, as well as literally planting many trees throughout the region.
Logos and marks | Oklahoma State University
The primary mark is the principal graphic signature of Oklahoma State University, its campuses, extension services and units. Other university symbols, marks or logos may not be more prominent than the primary mark without approval.
Branding Guide | Oklahoma Baptist University - okbu.edu
The University Seal. The University seal is not to be used for general branding, marketing, communications and promotional purposes. Its use is restricted to official documents, publications and materials associated with the Office of the President and Board of Trustees, or for purposes approved by the President or the Board of Trustees.