What is the correct usage of "P.S." in Emails?
Mar 7, 2018 · Be aware if using PS as the receiving person may not see the PS as the email when open may only fit up to the signature at the bottom of the screen - the reader may not in this case get any inclination that they need to scroll further down because something (which the sender may feel is crucial) was ommitted from the body of the email.
Using P.S. in a formal email - Writing Stack Exchange
I use P.S. in emails fairly often. As others points out, P.S. stands for postscript ("after signature") and it means the content was added after the message was signed. However, just because technology gives you the choice of re-wording a message to avoid a postscipt, that doesn't mean you must re-word the message to avoid a postscript. You may ...
style - Post scriptum in my soft diary - Writing Stack Exchange
I will make specific mention, however (as I did there), of Karen Hertzberg's blog post "What PS Means and How to Use It Correctly in Your Email". It expands on the idea of using postscripts stylistically. But all of that aside, you can literally do whatever …
Is P.S. (Post Script) still useful in the age of email?
There may well come a time where people don't know what "P.S." means, just as some people don't realize that "R.S.V.P." acronyms the french phrase 'répondez s'il vous plait' meaning 'please reply.' Love, Neil. P.S., It also might be useful if one is mimicking an old-style letter format.
fiction - Flashback or dream as a means of hinting at more going …
I plan to use a dream or flashback as a way to show the reader the story has more going on behind the scenes. As well to sprinkle in a little of my main characters back-stor
Quotation marks in dialogue for speech spoken by myself
Nov 7, 2024 · In a dialogue between myself and other characters, should I use quotation marks on my own words? Example: "Clean the dishes ", my mom said. I'll clean them later, I replied.
Is it possible to write a novel completely devoid of dialogue?
@LaurenIpsum I could imagine a lack of dialog might contribute to a sense of social malfunction in a group (e.g., at first minimal, mechanical communication might seem appropriate for a certain military or similarly regulated social group, but the reader could slowly develop a sense of unease) or isolation of an individual.
fiction - Being a non-native English writer how can i improve my ...
Hi Anvita! Welcome to Writers.SE, and best of luck with your writing! Part of how this site works is, we try to merge between different people asking the same thing - that means we don't answer the same questions over and over, and you've got a page all ready with responses. I'm going to mark this one as a duplicate; I hope the existing answers ...
Is it ok to use "aluminium" in an otherwise American English text?
Jan 21, 2019 · Non-scientific means in this context any text that is not a scientific publication, among others fiction or blog posts. Footnotes 1 - Connelly, Neil G.; Damhus, Ture, eds. (2005): Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry: IUPAC recommendations 2005 , p249: Table I Names, symbols and atomic numbers of the elements (see also Section IR-3.1)
Is it more expensive to self publish or use a publisher?
May 7, 2024 · I have published a non-fiction book with a publisher. I got paid a fixed sum in advance (which means after submitting the final draft, before it went to print). They are advertising it and selling it. Only thing I've done is having my picture taken and showing up to one book convention. Since you specifically ask what is more expensive: