Super Pacer (Bushmaster) STC update - ShortWingPipers.Org
Aug 19, 2019 · Since the Super Pacer STC, modifies the existing PA22 gear and uses the existing attachment points, it is the cheapest way to convert a PA22 to a tail dragger. The Super Pacer STC plans show a new gear attachment for floats.
Super Pacer (Bushmaster) Mod - ShortWingPipers.Org
Dec 11, 2016 · The Super Pacer has a GVW increase to 2100 lbs.The double compression struts and drag wires in the outer bay is designed to stop the wing from twisting, because the PA 18 aileron is moved out to the end of the wing.
Super Pacer Spars | ShortWingPipers.Org
Dec 13, 2024 · Wayne Dickson, owner of Southern Aero southernaero.net who makes parts for the Super Pacer STC and James Smith who owns the Super Pacer STC came through yesterday after picking up 2,000 lbs of spars from the extruder local to me.
Super Pacer no. 2 | ShortWingPipers.Org
Aug 30, 2023 · I scored an already modified set of Super Pacer wings from Colin Day up in BC. They were built by Univair decades ago and sat in a barn all these years. They had some damage to them.
Stretched Pacer #2 Data | ShortWingPipers.Org
Oct 31, 2024 · Super Pacer N7514D from prior to the 23/24 rebuild and after (adding the X-Winds cuff) . Stretched PA-22/14, 4-place, EW=1170 lb., 0-320 A2B-188 hp (dyno @2750 rpm).
Super Pacer (Bushmaster) STC update - ShortWingPipers.Org
Aug 19, 2019 · we have all the drawings for the Super Pacer and all original engineering and aircraft handbook. So each STC issued will come with all the necessary info to build and operate your modified pa-22. We have a few minutes worth of …
Thoughts about buying a Stretched Pacer - ShortWingPipers.Org
Jun 26, 2023 · The STC'd version, Super Pacer has these issues addressed whether new spars or spliced with the added shear webs and strapping at the strut attach point. These take the place of the angles Piper has in most spars, depending on the model, in the same area.
Pa 22 fusalage stretch | ShortWingPipers.Org
Mar 3, 2012 · The best feature of the Super Pacer is the huge rear door on the left side of the airplane. You take the back seat out and there is a large area to haul a load. I took the canvas sling out and made two frames useing the bottom and building a new frame for the top half.
What make a Super Pacer "Super"? - ShortWingPipers.Org
Jan 6, 2011 · A friend built what I would call a super pacer. Stretched the fuselage, lengthened the wings and put in a O360. Basicly a PA18 with 4 seats.
Instead of a Super Pacer/bushmaster Wing - shortwingpipers.org
Oct 13, 2024 · The way, I understand it the plans and components for a super pacer wing are only available as an STC for certified airplanes. What is the equivalent or a best choice for an experimental ?