Media Kit | VWO - Website
Get VWO's full brand assets kit, including logos, symbols & a guide to help determine when & how to integrate our brand into your story.
VWO | Digital Experience Optimization
VWO's agile, event-driven architecture seamlessly blends with your websites, apps, and code bases, offering a holistic 360-degree view of your customer. Make instant decisions with real-time customer data at your fingertips.
About Our Company | VWO - Website
VWO is a connected product platform, trusted by thousands of global brands, helping businesses optimize their experience, improve conversions & engage visitors.
VWO - Application
VWO is the all-in-one platform that helps you conduct visitor research, build an optimization roadmap, and run continuous experimentation.
Can I Add My Own Branding in VWO? – VWO - help.vwo.com
In the Upload Your Custom Branding Image field, add your own branding logo using the BROWSE option. NOTE: The uploaded logo must be exactly 320 x 100 px in size. Once you are done uploading your own logo, click SAVE .
Kommunicate Increases Clicks on the Free Trial Button by 25.53
The test was concluded in just 2 weeks. Variation 1 was declared the winner by VWO with a 25.53% increase in clicks on the ‘Try for free CTA’.
How to Change the Website Logo (HTTPS) in VWO Engage?
To change the logo of your website with HTTPS implementation, please follow the below steps : Login to your VWO Engage dashboard. Click on Settings; Click on SmartCode - Update Information; It will give you the option to change Website Logo. Click on ‘Change Logo’ and select the file you want to upload.
WorkZone Increased Conversions By 34% | VWO Success Stories
By using black-and-white customer logos, WorkZone ensured that while they served to trigger recognition and provide credibility for the tool/service, they did not subvert the web form- the hero of the page. 2) The colored logos looked like clickable entities.
VWO Metric Reports – VWO
A metric report in VWO Insights provides detailed visitor data for the metric being tracked on your website. For example, a report for the metric TotalItemsInCart shows how many items a user adds to their cart during a session.
What All Payment Modes Do You Support? – VWO
Track Your VWO Campaign Activities; What Effect Does Apple's iOS 15 Update Have on the VWO’s Functionality? How to Whitelist VWO in Your Website’s Content Security Policy (CSP)? ... PIN debit cards with the Visa or MasterCard logo; Debit cards with the Visa or MasterCard logo; PayPal; You can find all the options listed on our payment ...