Location of XLB file? - Excel Help Forum
Feb 27, 2006 · dir *.xlb /s the /s means to search through subdirectories. Doug Kanter wrote: > > I'm moving to a new machine, and want to take my XLB file with me (for Excel > 2000). I've …
.xlb extension - Excel Help Forum
Apr 27, 2005 · > It is not a workbook file that can be opened as such. > > When you open it all it does is change your menus and toolbars settings if > any > modifications were done. > > If …
where (what file) does Excel 2010 keep the toolbar information
May 23, 2019 · So I am guessing that if a user customize the ribbon by adding a new tab where in this tab the user put a sort function ---> then all this information will be kept in .xlb file. If this …
How to locate PERSONAL.XLSB? - Excel Help Forum
Feb 2, 2017 · The xlsb file shows up in the VBE editor, and I can use its macros in any workbook; but I can't find it to make a copy. The XLSTART folder is empty, and the Win10 search doesn't …
Toolbar macros, Personal.xls and the .xlb file - Excel Help Forum
May 25, 2006 · > update the toolbars I copy my .xlb file to the other 2 or 3 machines I > work on. However my Personal.xls file is not located in the same > folder on each machine. …
Saving .xlb file? - Excel Help Forum
Jan 17, 2006 · I copied my .xlb file from one computer to another from a CD. Apparently, that made the file read-only. I keep trying to modify the toolbars on the second computer, but the …
Custom Popup ******* in Excel15.xlb [SOLVED] - Excel Help Forum
Jul 27, 2015 · When working with addin ribbon/contextmenu, I noticed that the size of excel15.xlb was increased everytime. Particularly, there is new line added at the end of xlb file, for …
Contents of Excel11.xlb - Excel Help Forum
Jul 5, 2006 · Hello All, Does anybody know what the contents of the file "Excel11.xlb" are? We have customers that create reports using Excel, and it works for some time, and suddenly they …
Excel10.xlb [SOLVED] - Excel Help Forum
Jan 11, 2005 · Found a backup of the xlb file and copied that on and it works. Therefore I can only think that it was because I openned the xlb file. Would be interested in comments from others. …
.xlb [SOLVED] - Excel Help Forum
Feb 15, 2006 · What is it about excel that makes the .xlb so easily corruptable? Is it a problem with excel or an outside source? One of the accounting software packages causes us to have …