TRX-4M Motors | RCCrawler Forums
Jan 6, 2025 · The ESC is more adjustable than the Traxxas upgraded ESC and even has an AUX wire to adjust drag brake on the fly. And the Mini24 motor has slightly more KV than the Traxxas unit. The Traxxas motor is 3350KV vs 3500KV for the HobbyWing. The $74.99 HobbyWing motor and ESC setup is also significantly cheaper ($44.96) than the $119.95 Traxxas unit.
Forward or reverse rotation Traxxas 21t? | RCCrawler Forums
Dec 22, 2011 · You should reverse the wires on the motor back to how it came and flip the differential ring gears to the opposite side in the axles. Or buy a Traxxas 21 turn Titan 550 motor...p/n 3975: TowerHobbies.com | Traxxas Titan 550 Motor 21T E-Maxx These motors have some timing advance running opposite direction they are slower and will burn out sooner.
TRX-4 Sport gearing | RCCrawler Forums
May 23, 2012 · It was funny before people actually bought into it. Back in the 90s they were anything but. Every other brand on the market it seemed was an actual race truck but usually in kit form ie. no electronics. Losi, Associated, Yokomo, Schmacher, Kyosho and many others actually raced and were fast. Traxxas marketing has obviously paid off over the years.
Traxxus TRX-6 Upgrades? - RCCrawler Forums
Sep 3, 2021 · Traxxas TRX-6 Upgrades? Hey guys, I’ve been out of this sport for a while, but we got my son 5the 6x6 G-wagon, and he’s loving it. Anybody else have it and recommend certain upgrades to make it mode capable while crawling? I thought I saw somebody makes brass portal weights, maybe wheel or axle weights?
Traxxas big bore shocks | RCCrawler Forums
Dec 20, 2020 · The only time I pay the shipping is when I’m buying shocks, which in my opinion is worth the couple bucks more over the Traxxas big bores. They’re already machined, the cut the body square so the spring sits flush, they include springs, the shock shafts are titanium if I’m not mistaken and you get your choice of color.
Best shocks for trx4 | RCCrawler Forums
Mar 13, 2015 · Tuning the Traxxas TRX4 GTS shocks does not have to be complicated. Unscrew the X-ring retainer cap, lube the X-rings with Green Slime, reinstall the cap to finger tight, loosen the cap 1/4 turn. Done! From there you can adjust the damping by using different weight shock oil. I run 10wt in the winter and 20wt in the summer.
Rear steer can it be done on a trx4 | RCCrawler Forums
Mar 15, 2012 · Now for radio The Traxxas TQi can be programmed to do a lot of hacks but for the 4WS its only going to be able to work with a 4WS Kit like the Bastens QuadSteer 4 Wheel Steering Control Module Works with Either 2Ch or 3Ch transmitters and the yes a Futaba 7PX or 7PV would be great with seven channels but all you need is the flysky GT5 6 channel ...
Axial Basecamp Kit vs Traxxas TRX-4 Sport Kit - RCCrawler Forums
Apr 14, 2007 · I wouldnt worry about there not being parts available for the 10.3. Look at all the aftermarket the 10.2 had. Axial is a big name in this game, so theres always goina b parts available. Traxxas has parts available too, but theyve kept the same chassis setup, not to say they didnt do it right. But the trx4 is a bit heavy imo.
new2rocks Guide to the TRX-4 - RCCrawler Forums
Apr 2, 2014 · Traxxas should be shipping these pre-programmed to crawl mode (it is a scale crawler, after all). It’s easy enough to change modes (just hold down the EZ-Set button on power-up and let the LED go through its blinking cycle until it blinks red 5 times in rapid succession, then release), so it’s a relatively minor quibble.
TRX-4 shock spring rate - RCCrawler Forums
Jan 25, 2018 · Scroll down a little on this parts list page #6, these are the optional Traxxas TRX4 GTS springs with part numbers, colors and rates listed. On the previous page #5 of parts list are the stock springs 0.47 and 0.54. Note there are also long springs listed so be sure you are looking at the correct springs.