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- H2SO4
Acid Name - Alcohol
Reaction - Dehydration of
Alcohol - Esterification of an
Alcohol - Alcohol
Nomenclature - H2SO4
H2O - Ethanol
KMnO4 - Alkyl Halide to
Alcohol - H2SO4
H20 - Alcohol
Sodium - BaCl2 H2SO4
Reaction - KMnO4
H2SO4 - Balance Koh H2SO4
K2SO4 H2O - Synthesis of
Alcohols - Alcohol
IUPAC Name - Ketone and Alcohol
Reaction Mechanism - Alcohol
Reactions Organic Chemistry - 2-Methyl 2
Pentene - FeSO4 KMnO4
H2SO4 - Sulfuric Acid
Formula - Primary Alcohol
Oxidation - Oxidation Alcohol
with Dichromate - Oxidation of Alcohol
to Carboxylic Acid - Experiment H2SO4
H20 - H2S04
Acid - H2SO4
Chemical Name - Secondary Alcohol
to Ketone with CrO3 H2O - Preparation of Alcohol
From Alkene - Alcohol
and Chromic Acid - Nabr
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